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"Now, you're making me work too hard," she laughed; and she panted as she rested her hand for a second against the edge of the bowl and looked up at Everett from under a black tendril curl that had fallen down across her forehead. "Miss Rose Mary Alloway, you are one large, husky witch," calmly remarked the hungry man as he finished disposing of the last half of one of the thin bread and butters.

"John Brown's wagon got stuck in the mud, And we pull it through the black miry flood, As we go marching on," sang the soldiers; and in a few minutes more they landed the first of the wagon-train high and dry in the by-road. Here one of the riflemen was waiting for the lieutenant, being a messenger from Butters.

The last place I locked wheels with Mike Butters was in Idaho. I'd just sold a silver-lead prospect and was proclaimin' my prosperity with soundin' brass and ticklin' symbols. I was tuned up to G and singin' quartettes with the bartender opery buffet, so to speak when in Mike walked. It was a bright morning out-side and I didn't reco'nize him at first against the sunlight.

Presently MacPhairrson straightened up on his crutches, turned, and gulped down a lump in his throat. "I reckon we'll be mighty contented here," said he, "me an' Stumpy, an' Butters, an' Bones. But I wisht as how I might git to have Ananias-an'-Sapphira back along with us. I'm goin' to miss that there bird a lot, fer all she was so ridiculous an' cantankerous.

With the fourth discharge five men had fallen, including the foremost of the two officers on the flank, whom Butters had brought down himself. Apparently not one of the sharpshooters missed his aim.

"They can't fall down, 'count of the shafts," said Mr. Butters, clambering slowly down from his seat, "and they won't do nothin' else. We'll git him out now, jest as easy. I think a sight of that young feller; made me feel bad, I tell ye, to see him there all stove up, and think mebbe " "Don't, please!" said Vesta. "I am not very strong " "Thought you said you was!" said Ithuriel Butters.

I took care of Bones we'll find him on his box inside and of cross old Butters. Thunder, how Butters has missed you, MacPhairrson! He's bit me twice, just because I wasn't you. There he is, poking his nose out of his barrel." The old woodchuck thought he had heard MacPhairrson's voice, but he was not sure. He came out and sat up on his fat haunches, his nostrils quivering with expectation.

The proof of the pudding's in the eating of it, you know. Talk is cheap and butters no parsnips, they say. I like to do things. But honestly speaking, I believe we're getting through this place pretty smartly."

Butters; you spoke of him, I remember found you lying in the road, my child, quite unconscious. He is an unpolished person, but possessed of warm affections. I I can never forget his tender solicitude about you. He brought you home in his wagon, and carried you into the house. He volunteered to go to Greening for Doctor Namby " "Namby never put on this bandage!" interrupted Geoffrey.

"Will you come in and wait," she asked, "or leave a message?" "Wal, I guess I won't do neither this time!" said Mr. Butters, slowly. Vesta looked at him in some perplexity; he returned a glance of grave meaning. "You kin to him?" asked the old man. "Sister, or cousin, mebbe?" "No! what is it? something has happened to Doctor Strong!" Vesta's hand tightened on the rail of the steps.