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It had made Kawayun happy to look at his father's teeth. When Datu Ayo died, his wife was about to become a mother. Now, the Bagobo women know that, when they become pregnant, they must be very careful to protect themselves from the evil Buso. Failing this, the Buso will come to the woman while she sleeps, and change her baby into a Buso-child.

The Kabayawa said, "Sure enough, here's a man! You just climb up and get him." Then the Buso began to scramble up the tree; but as he climbed, the thorns stuck their sharp points into him. The higher he climbed, the longer and sharper grew the thorns of the tree, piercing and tearing, until they killed the Buso.

And the man cried out to the lemon-tree, "Could you protect me, if I were to hide among your leaves and flowers?" Instantly the lemon-tree answered, "Come right up, if you want to." Then the man climbed the tree, and concealed himself in the branches, among the flowers. Very soon the Buso came under the lemon-tree, and shouted to it, "I smell a man here. You are hiding him."

But Tuglay said, "No, no! don't eat me, because I just came to get bananas of many different kinds." Then the man made a bargain with the Datu of the Buso, and said, "Give me some bananas, and I will pay you two children for them. Come to my house in nine days, and you shall have one boy and one girl for the bananas." But Tuglay had no children.

As soon as the bird had answered the Buso, it flew off to another bamboo-tree, and there the Buso spied it, and knew that he had been fooled; and he said, "It's a man I want; you're just a bird. I don't care for you." Directly then the Buso began to smell around the ground where the man had started to run up the mountain-side, and, as quick as he caught the scent, he trailed the man.

But LumabEt said there was plenty of room, so all entered his house and were not crowded. The next morning the diwata, tigyama, and other spirits came and talked with him. After that he told the people that all who believed that he was powerful could go with him, but all who did not go would be turned into animals and buso.

Stand near the stump, and you will see passing before you a swarm of fireflies; the intestines of the dead person; many heads of the dead person; many arms of the dead person; many legs of the dead person; the entire body passing before you; shadows flitting before you; and finally the Buso. But no one yet has been brave enough to try it.

The Datto Buso questioned the man. "First of all, I will ask you where you come from, Tuglay." "I am come from my house in T'oluk Waig," replied the man. And the great Buso shouted, "I will cut off your head with my sharp kris!" "But if I choose, I can kill you with your own sword," boldly answered Tuglay. Then he lay down, and let the Buso try to cut his neck.

As a fish catches at the bait, so Buso seized that bit of wood, and for about two minutes I could feel him pulling at it from under the house. Then I drew up the string with the wood. Buso was there under the house, and smelt the chip from the coffin." Buso and the Woman In a little house there lived a man and his wife together.

This appears early in April, and is followed by a period of great activity in the fields. If, for any reason, the owner of the land cannot plant at this time, he has two or more opportunities given him when the constellations Mamari and Bwaya appear, the latter toward the end of June. Evil spirits which are classed with the buso. See p. 107.