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What you can do is call up, say you're the detective bureau, and ask carelessly about Beaton. That'll throw a scare into her. You've got her number?" "Riverside 7683," Willis said in a businesslike voice. "The Beecher apartments. I'll try it." He disappeared into the clattering local room, to return a moment later, white of face, bright of eye, and with lips parted. "What's the dope?"

It was not a fashionable building, by any means. The hall was narrow and long, and the staircase was just a plain businesslike staircase, with no room for cushions, and flowers, and books.

We can imagine a very good point being made out of the simple fact of waste, by some feminine advocate who would point out in a businesslike way how much more work the world might get through if only woman had fair play.

"Thank you, Denham, I'm well," replied the benign old gentleman with a smile, as he fixed a pair of gold spectacles on his nose, and sat down in a most businesslike way to examine a bundle of papers which he pulled out of his coat-pocket. Mr Summers was a very old friend of Denham, and had been the friend of his father before him; but that was not the reason of Denham's regard for him.

She was lying on her face, one hand still gripping the clothes, a pink wrapper twisted about her, her blonde hair stained with the ooze of blood from a wound in her head. He felt of her pulse and heart and twitching up her eyelids looked into her set and lifeless eyes. "Is she dead?" Garland asked. "No," He snapped his bag open with businesslike briskness. "Concussion.

He spent his afternoon, once having quitted Burchill's flat, in a businesslike fashion.

Not perhaps a very businesslike will a will likely to lead to unforeseen complications, but the sort of will that a man in the first flush of marriage often does make, and there is no stopping him. Your father had almost every quality, but he was not businesslike if I may say so with respect. However, I confess that for the present I see no difficulties.

'Who is it? she asked in a businesslike tone, still dazzled by the light. 'I am Angela, Mother. May I ask you a question? 'Yes. The voice had changed even in that single word, and was kind and encouraging. 'Two years ago, before I became a novice, you asked me why I wanted to be a nun, Mother. You thought my intention was good.

She went to the window, pulled aside the shade and looked out. "It is a big car," she said. "It isn't the doctor, that's sure. There's a man gettin' out, a big man in a fur coat. Who on earth ?" Steps sounded without upon the walk, then there was a knock upon the side door, that of the dining room. Martha opened the door. A man's voice, a brisk, businesslike voice, asked a question.

Every stalk placed before this cat was demolished in the same businesslike way; but the other cats, though they were made to look on while the stick was being broken up by their fellow, could never learn the trick. They had also come to assist at the general feast. Remembering the opinion of Mr.