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Most of my dollars are locked up in this crop, and there's need of constant watchfulness and effort until the last bushel's hauled in to the elevators. It probably sounds egotistical, but now I've got rid of Martial I can't put my hand on any one as fit to see the thing through as I am. Still, I have to go for them. What else could I do?"

Most of my money is locked up in this crop, and there's need of constant watchfulness and effort until the last bushel's hauled in to the elevators. It probably sounds egotistical, but now I've got rid of Martial I can't put my hand on any one as fit to see the thing through as I am. Still, I have to go without delay. What else could I do?"

Bushel's death had been accelerated by vexation through seeing a survey carried across his own fields. As for Mrs. Broad and Tryphosa, they left Cowfold and went into Lancashire, to be near uncle Flavel.

'Mind, you needn't make such a work, it bain't presents, said George Grant, 'only we won't have them asking up at Elbury if we've saved the guy to bring in. 'It is a present, though, old Betty Bushel's shirt, said Charles Hayward. 'She said she'd throw it at his head if he brought it back again; but the frock's mine. 'And the corduroys is mine, said George Grant.

He resolved, however, on his own account, to acquaint the Allens with what had happened, and prepare them. They were no particular friends of his, but Bushel also was no particular friend, and his auctioneering trade had at least educated him, in the disputes amongst buyers, to hold the scales of justice a little more evenly than they were held by Bushel's hands.

Due respec', Brother Scotton no lawyering none of that of them functions 'specially when it's infidels and ricks may be afire aught I know." Mr. Broad interposed. He quite understood Brother Bushel's ardour for the truth, but he was prepared to produce some simple corroboration of what he had affirmed, which would, he thought, satisfy Brother Scotton and the brethren generally. "Thomas," quoth Mr.