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Nearer to the station cluster the weatherboard business places of the little township of Burunda. The butcher does a trade of perhaps two sheep a week during the winter, but leaps to many a score of them when "the strangers" begin to come up from the moist city at the first touch of November's heat. The bakers there are two of them fight bitterly for "the strangers'" custom.

We've just heard that writing chap, Hugh Kinross, has gone to Burunda for a holiday. The beggar has dodged every attempt at an interview, though we and every other paper, for the matter of that, have lain for him in every possible place. Well, I was talking to the editor the other day he's no end affable to me, and often has a chat and I happened to say you were at Burunda.

For it was Larkin's trick of insinuating himself among the portmanteaus and confused servants and children, and then talking rapidly of bacon and letters, that had gained him Mrs. Lomax's custom when the family first came to Burunda. That bewildered lady simply had to consent that he might call to get him out of the knot of seemingly inextricable confusion with which she had to deal.

For instance no railway carries a motor bicycle for the consideration tendered to it for a passenger ticket. And a motor bicycle was amongst the things turned out on the Burunda platform when Hugh came back, and, to the astonishment of Kate who had gone to meet him, claimed by him. "My dear fellow," she exclaimed when assured it was unmistakably his, "how glad I am!

"An' I'll be the other one," said Max, so filled with glorious visions suddenly that he forgot his original intention of coughing. But now there came briskly round the corner one of the big Burunda wagonettes, overflowing with ladies and children and picnic baskets and plainly bound for the waterfall. "Why," said Lynn excitedly, "there are Effie and Florence." "And Frank," cried Muffie joyously.

There are two photographers, two shoe-menders, two house agents, two visiting doctors. It is conceivable that if a third man of any trade come along the character of business in Burunda may entirely change. But while there are but two of each, the chances are that any day the visitors may have the quiet monotony of the place broken up by a civil war.

Gowan, "their uncle has taken 'Tenby'" she waved her hand to the cottage opposite that had stood irksomely monotonous with closed shutters and chained gate ever since the Lomaxes had come to Burunda this year, "and of course they will often want to come down to him to listen to his stories. He is Hugh Kinross, you know."

And he said, 'Burunda! why that's where Kinross is taking a holiday. Tell her to get any interesting information she can about him, and I'll pay her well for it. If she can manage an interview a woman can rush in sometimes where a man fears to tread I'll give her six guineas. Yes, and take one of the stories with which she is always bombarding me, hanged if I won't!