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Sure, there's Wheeler, and Bursal along with him, canvassing out yonder at a terrible fine rate. And haven't I been huzzaing for you there till I'm hoarse? Talb. Now, Rory, you are the best fellow in the world, and a THOROUGH GOING friend; but have a care, or you'll get yourself and me into some scrape, before you have done with this violent THOROUGH GOING work. Rory.

I'll go round and have the door unbolted immediately, ladies. Enter MISS BURSAL, in a riding dress, and with a long whip. Miss Bursal. Those creatures, the ponies, have a'most pulled my 'and off. Who 'ave we 'ere? Ha! Mrs. Talbot! Louisa, 'ow are ye? I'm so vastly glad to see you; but I'm so shocked to 'ear of the loss of the Bombay Castle. Mrs.

Well, thank my stars the Airly Castle is safe in the Downs. Miss Burs. Mr. Bursal, can you inform me why Joe, my groom, does not make his appearance? Mr. Burs. Yes, that I can, child; because he is with his 'orses, where he ought to be.

#Injuries of Bursæ.# As a result of contusion, especially in bleeders, hæmorrhage may occur into the cavity of a bursa and give rise to a bursal hæmatoma. Such a hæmatoma may mask a fracture of the bone beneath for example, fracture of the olecranon. #Diseases of Bursæ.# The lining membrane of bursæ resembles that of joints and tendon sheaths, and is liable to the same forms of disease.

It consists in transplanting between the bones a flap of fat-bearing tissue, from which a bursal cavity lined with endothelium and containing a fluid rich in mucin is ultimately formed.

The treatment may vary in the different cases. If the distended sheath, or bursal enlargement, is caused by a direct injury or strain, cold bandages should be applied and the part given as complete rest as possible. "Wind-galls" may be removed by a surgical operation. It is not advisable to attempt the removal of "road-puffs."

Rory O'Ryan, alias O'Ryan, the roaring lion; that's a good one; put it about Rory O'Ryan, the roaring lion, ha! ha! ha! but you don't take it you don't laugh, Wheeler. Wheeler. Ha! ha! ha! O, upon my honour I do laugh; ha! ha! ha! It is the hardest work to laugh at his wit. You know I always laugh, Bursal, at your jokes he! he! he! ready to kill myself. Burs.

Dash! dash! will be the word to-morrow! Mr. Burs. Dash! dash! ay, just like her brother. He'll pay away finely, I warrant, by the time he's her age. Well, well, he can afford it; and I do love to see my children make a figure for their money. As Jack Bursal says, what's money for, if it e'nt to make a figure. There's your, brother Jack, now.

The thickening of the wall may take place in a uniform and concentric fashion, resulting in the formation of a fibrous tumour the solid bursal tumour a small cavity remaining in the centre which serves to distinguish it from a new growth or neoplasm. [Illustration: FIG.

At first Miss Bursal paid me a vast deal of attention; but, for what reason I know not, she suddenly changed her manner, grew first strangely cold, then condescendingly familiar, and at last downright rude. I could not guess the cause of these variations. Mrs. Talb. Louisa. But as I perceived the lady was out of tune, I was in haste to leave her.