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He hadn't, and Chrystie sank together on the stool in reproachful surprise. "Oh, Mr. Burrage, you must go. Don't lose a minute, this very night." Lorry breathed an embarrassed "Chrystie!" "I didn't mean that and he knows it. I mean the soonest night after tonight. We went yesterday and even Aunt Ellen loved it. Didn't you, Aunt Ellen?"

Mr. Burrage and Mr. But he added that they would have a high time with Miss Chancellor first, and this was evidently the conviction of the company. "I can see you are angry at something," Verena said to Olive, as the two stood there in the starlight. "I hope it isn't me. What have I done?" "I am not angry I am anxious. I am so afraid I shall lose you. Verena, don't fail me don't fail me!"

You should see a doctor although I am very much afraid that your disease is beyond their cure in truth I am." "Burrage," said Michael in a whisper, and still sighing convulsively "It is all over. It is finished. Prepare for the crash look to your own safety. Hide yourself from the gaze of men. It will strike us all dead." "You frighten me, Mr Allcraft. You are really very ill.

The other girl made no response. Laughing, Enid slipped a hand under my arm, the firm pressure of her fingers thrilling me. She addressed Kennedy, however. "Do you want a ride in to the city, both of you?" Kennedy brightened. "That would be fine! How far are you going?" "The Burrage. I have a luncheon engagement. That's Forty-fourth." "Can you drop us off at the university?" "Surely! Climb in.

Henry Burrage, at home Wednesday evening, March 26th, at half-past nine o'clock." It was in consequence of having received a card with these words inscribed upon it that Basil Ransom presented himself, on the evening she had designated, at the house of a lady he had never heard of before.

The young man kept looking at Lorry's face, then dropping his glance to the floor, abashed before the gentle attention of her eyes, fearful his own might say too much. He thought it was just her sweetness that made her ask about his people, but everything about Mark Burrage interested her. Had he guessed it he would have been as much surprised as she had she known that he thought her beautiful.

All of a sudden, a tremendous crash brought the man in terror to his knees, when he stammered: "'Oh, Lord! if it be the same to Thee, give us a little more light and a little less noise!" Among the first men called out was a young Massachusetts man, Burrage, who went as a private. Grievously wounded, he was sent into the hospital and then to his home.

Burrage, but it was more free, more intense, more full of amusing incident and opportunity.

Verena spoke these words not out of coquetry, or to make him beg her more for a favour, but because she was thinking, and she wanted to gain a moment. His allusion to Henry Burrage touched her, his belief that she had been in the Park under circumstances more agreeable than those he proposed. They were not; somehow, she wanted him to know that.

"What young lady's friend?" replied Miss Burrage, without stirring from her seat. "Miss Burrage, here's a purse for a young lady," said Mrs. Puffit. "A purse for whom? Where?" said Miss Burrage, at last deigning to rise, and come out of her recess. "There, ma'am," said the milliner. "Now for her glass!" whispered Mrs. Puffit to Mrs. Bertrand.