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There was, I believe, a kind of phrensy in my manner, which threw her into a panic, like that of Semele perhaps, when the Thunderer, in all his majesty, surrounded with ten thousand celestial burning-glasses, was about to scorch her into a cinder.

I must here inform my Reader, that the Frontiers of the Enchanted Region, which I have before described, were inhabited by the Species of MIXED WIT, who made a very odd Appearance when they were mustered together in an Army. There were Men whose Bodies were stuck full of Darts, and Women whose Eyes were Burning-glasses: Men that had Hearts of Fire, and Women that had Breasts of Snow.

Zoe Vizard and her friends stared after the flying Severne, then stared at the newcomer, and then turned round and stared at each other, in mutual amazement and inquiry. What was the meaning of this double incident, that resembled a conjurer's trick? Having looked at her companions, and seen only her own surprise reflected, Zoe Vizard fixed her eyes, like burning-glasses, upon Ina Klosking.

Adopting this formula, Pouillet derived from his observations on solar heat a solar temperature of somewhere between 1,461° and 1,761° C. Now, the higher of these points which is nearly that of melting platinum is undoubtedly surpassed at the focus of certain burning-glasses which have been constructed of such power as virtually to bring objects placed there within a quarter of a million of miles of the photosphere.

Cowley observing the cold Regard of his Mistress's Eyes, and at the same Time their Power of producing Love in him, considers them as Burning-Glasses made of Ice; and finding himself able to live in the greatest Extremities of Love, concludes the Torrid Zone to be habitable.

Cowley observing the cold regard of his mistress's eyes, and at the same time the power of producing love in him, considers them as burning-glasses made of ice; and, finding himself able to live in the greatest extremities of love, concludes the torrid zone to be habitable.

"'Bless me! what's all this? cried Lady Margaret, dropping my palsied arm, and gazing on me as if she expected me to talk like a hero. "'Oh, said I, 'eh-e-m, eh-e-m, I will exp lain to-morrow, ehem, e-h-e-m. I made to the door; all the eyes in the room seemed turned into burning-glasses, and blistered the very skin on my face.

While the noble and the learned were comparing eyes to burning-glasses, and tears to terrestrial globes, coyness to an enthymeme, absence to a pair of compasses, and an unrequited passion to the fortieth remainder-man in an entail, Juliet leaning from the balcony, and Miranda smiling over the chess-board, sent home many spectators, as kind and simple-hearted as the master and mistress of Fletcher's Ralpho, to cry themselves to sleep.

"And once I was called Bella." "Ages ago! Basta! All things have their end. Do take those eyes of yours off my face; they were always so bright! and really now they are perfect burning-glasses! How close it is! Peuh! I am dead tired. May I ask for a glass of water; a drop of wine in it or brandy will do as well." "Ho! you have come to brandy and morning drams, eh, Jasper?" said Mrs.

There was talk of gigantic mirrors that would act as burning-glasses and blind the opposing troops. Some of these things proved to be true. Others were mere lies, designed to sap the morale of the Allied armies and civil populations before the fight began. "Heinie's the biggest boob that ever happened," grinned Billy, when the boys were discussing the coming conflict.