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Since his trouble with Dave, Conward had a double purpose in developing that acquaintanceship. He had no compunctions as to his method of attack. While Dave was manfully laying siege to the front gate, Conward proposed to burglarize the home through the back door of family intimacy. And now that Dave seemed to have won the prize, Conward realized that his own position was more secure than ever.

"Sorry, my friend," he said, "that I can't accept your offer, but I am just closing a contract with a man who not only will burglarize our village regularly on your terms, but also will turn over to us as a rebate one-half of the salary he gets from the burglary insurance company that employs him."

'Yes, that he did, sir, said Lily proudly, 'and insisted on it. 'I soon knew they were going to burglarize this flat to get some phonograph records. 'Phonograph records! Hugo repeated, pondering. 'Yes, sir; and so I thought I'd be beforehand with 'em. 'Why didn't you tell me directly you knew? 'You gave me that Gaboriau book to read, sir, and I learnt a lot from it.

To burglarize the vaults of a bank meant, if undetected, anything from opening a magnificent bar or hotel in New York to a steam yacht and Winter cruises in the tropics and Summer nights on the Mediterranean. The first coup in this line, which at once became famous, was startling in its ease and magnitude. It was known, and still is, as "The Lord Bond Robbery."

"God bless you, my little boy! you have saved a man from committing a crime this night. Bessie shall pray for you as soon as I get home and give her her orders. I shall never burglarize another house at least not until the June magazines are out.

If I had for one instant imagined you cared enough about it to burglarize my rooms ... But now that I do understand, my dear fellow, I wouldn't deny you for worlds; I make you a free present of it, at the price I paid twenty thousand and one hundred guineas exacting no bonus or commission whatever.

"Guess I'll take a stroll down the corridor and see how the land lies," said Jack. "We don't want to burglarize a room that has no one in it, and they may not be in when the second story men get there." "That's so, how are we going to get in?" asked Nat. "Easy," replied Jack. "Their room is on the ground floor, and you can just raise the screen up and drop in.

For a Cambodian to steal from him would be as unthinkable a sacrilege as for a Roman Catholic to burglarize the apartments of the Pope. And should their religious scruples show signs of yielding to temptation, why, there are the paintings on the walls to warn them of the torments awaiting them in the hereafter.

"Well, I'm beginning to agree with Eva now," Rex returned. "I haven't an idea that man intends to harm any of us. Perhaps there is some mistake after all and he isn't Martin Blakesley, only somebody that looks like him." "I don't go to bed on any such uncertainty as that," declared Jess. "What would we do if we stayed up and we heard him coming down stairs to burglarize the house?"

This attempt to burglarize the house betrayed the caliber of the enemy. In chloroforming Koku he had taken the risk of murdering the giant. Only the fact that the pad of saturated cloth had fallen off Koku's face had, perhaps, saved the man from suffocation. Tom did not tell the giant when he aroused what the matter with him was. Koku was ill enough!