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Bunty said, peeping through Pip's arm on the box seat, and seeing still nothing but an endless vista of gum trees. "I thought, you said we were there, Esther." "Oh, the front door is not quite so near the gate as at Misrule," she said. And indeed it was not. It was fifteen minutes before they even saw the chimneys, then there was another gate to be opened.

The realisation that a year had slipped away since last the trees had worn that tender green amazed her; it seemed almost incredible that twelve whole months had gone by since the day when she had first come to Brutton Square, and she and Bunty had joked together about the ten commandments on the wall.

Bunty was next bribed, with a promise of the same melting delicacies, to run up to Aldith's with the other letter, and Meg breathed freely ago feeling she had skilfully averted the threatening danger attendant on the evening meeting. But surely the notes were fated!

She burst into tears of weariness and nervousness at the new people, and slipped off her chair under the table. Meg picked her up. "May I put her to bed?" she said; "she is about worn out." "Me, too," Nellie said, laying down her half-eaten scone and pushing back her chair. "Oh, I am so tired!" "So'm I." Bunty finished up everything on his plate in choking haste and stood up.

She seemed a very well-behaved little Miss Rabbit, and was quite plump, as I say, and used to have plump little books, which I used to carry for her and think how nice it would be if I could always go on carrying them and helping Bunty Bun over the mud-holes and ditches." Mr. Rabbit got another speck of ashes in his eye, and had to wipe it several times and blow his nose hard.

They got through the woods to the shore of the river, and all the time they could hear Bunty Williams roaring and shouting, and Bunty Williams's bulldog barking, and it seemed as if he were right behind them.

Here, take it, and hurry back: think of your map," Meg returned, in a very fever of impatience at his slowness. And then Bunty, utterly happy once more, turned and ran away gaily up to the house. And Meg let down the slip-rail, put it back in its place with trembling fingers, and fled in wild haste through the two remaining paddocks.

"If I'd had a brother or a cousin whom I hadn't seen for a year, and who was just off to the front, I declare I'd have done it myself. I don't blame her! But there'll be a row if Bunty doesn't hear her scales going." Exactly at a quarter to eight o'clock a Daimler car whisked through the village, and stopped by the gate of Pendlemere Abbey.

Oh, and I'll put a match to the fire it's quite cold enough. Come in, Jerry, and tell me all the news." "I'll light that fire first," said Jerry, practically. "We can talk when Bunty darling brings our tea."

The three girls looked tearful and protesting; Pip had just been brought to book for speaking disrespectfully of his father, and was looking sullen; and Bunty, not knowing what else to do at such a crisis, had fallen to catching flies, and was viciously taking off their wings. It was a wretched meal: The bell sounded for the downstairs breakfast, and Esther had to go.