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The wind and sea-way together were too much for the cutter. The Colleen left her behind, and she at last drew off after bunching a few farewell shots. O'Donnell then hove-to and took his seine-boat on deck. He had been towing it the wrong end foremost for the whole forty miles, and he was worried over it. "It's strained her maybe and she almost a new boat," he lamented. "For the rest I don't care.

The sudden appearance of crowds of figures swarming to the attack through the gloom; the wild outburst of musketry and artillery all along the zeriba; the crowds still coming on in spite of the bullets; the fire getting uncontrolled, and then a great bunching and crumpling of some part of the front, and mad confusion, in which a multitude of fierce swordsmen would surge through the gap, cutting and slashing at every living thing; in which transport animals would stampede and rush wildly in all directions, upsetting every formation and destroying all attempts to restore order; in which regiments and brigades would shift for themselves and fire savagely on all sides, slaying alike friend and foe; and out of which only a few thousand, perhaps only a few hundred, demoralised men would escape in barges and steamers to tell the tale of ruin and defeat.

As soon as the troops got out of range, the firing ceased, as the tribesmen did not dare follow into the open. On the extreme left, considerable bodies of the enemy appeared, and for a moment it seemed that they would leave the hills and come into the plain. The cavalry, however, trotted forward, and they ran back in confusion, bunching together as they did so.

"They'd rather lug off this caucus than any fifty districts in the State." "I don't believe there's men here that'll take money to vote against me," insisted Thornton. "But they've been lied to that much I'll admit." "You've been king here too long, Thelismer. You take too much for granted. They're bunching their hits here, I tell you.

Once when he was bunching the most illustrious kings and conquerors and poets and prophets and pirates and beggars together just a brick-pile I was shamed into putting in a word for man, and asked him why he made so much difference between men and himself. He had to struggle with that a moment; he didn't seem to understand how I could ask such a strange question.

They were still bowling when Stacy, getting his breath back, sat up, bunching his shoulders to get the kink out of them, and rubbing himself gingerly. The pony stood looking at its young master sheepishly. "What's the trouble, Stacy?" cried Tad riding back. "I -I fell off." "I know you did. There couldn't be any mistake about that, but what caused him to throw you?" "I -I don't know."

Dale he druv at me wi' 's fist, and kep' a bunching me off wi' 's knees, and then when all the wind and the wickedness was gone out o' me, he tuk me behind th' scruff a' the neck and just paddled me along like a dummy." At this point Veale would pause to laugh, before continuing. "Nor that wasn't all, nether. So soon as Mr.

I'll tell you, when a snorty old train, which assays two pecks of cinders per car, hauls the most wonderful girl on earth into your town and dumps her into your arms so to speak, and bunching up events a little you're bound to love that train. I could write the history of Homeburg from the 4:11 too. In fact, the train has hauled most of Homeburg into the town.

She saw, moreover, his mass of brown hair bunching disgracefully about his ears, his clear eyes lit now with a hard, cold light, his forehead puckered in a mighty scowl, the ring upon the third finger of the left hand. "Oh, they won't kill him! Surely they won't kill him!"

When the main body of the drive arrived, however, the logs were like herded cattle, milling in the eddies, stampeded by a cross-current, bunching under the bridge arches like frightened steers in a chute. And the drivers herded the logs with all the skill of cowboys on the range.