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The master's-mate, who was directed to take the vessel to Portsmouth, was the spurious progeny of the first-lieutenant of a line-of-battle ship, and a young woman who attended the bum-boat, which supplied the ship's company with necessaries and luxuries, if they could afford to pay for them.

"Were he a man of family I should say nothing, of course; but he is, sir, a mere adventurer. His father is a common boatswain a warrant officer not a gentleman even by courtesy, and his mother, for what I know to the contrary, might have been a bum-boat woman, and his relations, if he had any, are probably all of the lowest order." The colonel walked up and down the room very much annoyed.

Taking his hat, he rose from the table, and mounting the ladder, "On second thought," said he, addressing Skysail again, "I won't throw the cats overboard; the sailors have a foolish superstition about that animal its d d unlucky. No; put them alive in a bread-bag, and send them on shore in the bum-boat."

We were fortunate enough to get some fowls, fruits, and vegetables from a bum-boat of Malays, who made a business of supplying ships. The boat reported that, when she left Angra about two days before, the Wyoming was there. Fired the ship. Ship under United States colours and register, and no claim of the neutrality of the cargo among the papers; ship bound to New York. Ship and cargo condemned.

"Were he a man of family I should say nothing, of course; but he is, sir, a mere adventurer. His father is a common boatswain a warrant officer not a gentleman even by courtesy, and his mother, for what I know to the contrary, might have been a bum-boat woman, and his relations, if he has any, are probably all of the lowest order." The colonel walked up and down the room very much annoyed.

"Large coat of arms," he murmured "patience no a pay-sheet on a monument asking for time; item a hand, recently washed; ditto, a dickey bird possibly pigeon plucked proper or gull argent; guinea-pig regardant and expectant; supporters, two bottliwallahs rampant. Crest, a bum-boat flottant, and motto 'Cinq-cento-percentum'. All done in gold.

Taking his hat, he rose from the table, and mounting the ladder, "On second thought," said he, addressing Skysail again, "I won't throw the cats overboard; the sailors have a foolish superstition about that animal its damned unlucky. No! put them alive in a bread-bag, and send them on shore in the bum-boat."

The captain's wife begins to pack up her band-boxes in order to return home, while the Jews and bum-boat folks are pushing all the interest they can scrape together to induce the first lieutenant to give them the priority of entrance with their goods and chattels on the approaching pay-day.

Then we have the Heavy Horsemen they do their work in the daytime, when they go on board as lumpers to clear the ships. And then we've the Coopers and Bum-boat men, and the Ratcatchers and the Scuffle Hunters, and the River Pirates; and, last of all, we have the Mudlarkers: all different professions, Jack; never interfering with each other, and all living by their wits.

His beam was won'erful for his length, altogedder what you call jolly-boat, or bum-boat build, and was only good afore'e wind, Cap'n Spike." "Was he good for anything aboard ship, Josh? Worth heaving-to for, should he try to get aboard of us again?" "Why, sir, can't say much for him in dat fashion. Jack was handy in the cabin, and capital feller to carry soup from the gally, aft.