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And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say. When it was the Four Hundred and Ninety-third Night, She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the Queen continued: "When Bulukiya related to Sakhr what befell him in his wanderings, he marvelled thereat.

When it was the Four Hundred and Ninety-eighth Night, She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that "Bulukiya landed on the island and walked about for a while, till he saw a comely young man with light shining from his visage, sitting weeping and lamenting between two built tombs. How few things thou hast seen in thy life compared with mine.

Know, O Bulukiya, that unlike thyself I have looked upon our lord Solomon, in his life, and have seen things past count or reckoning.

The Adventures of Bulukiya. "Know thou, O Hasib, there was once in the city of Cairo a King of the Banu Isra'il, a wise and a pious, who was bent double by poring over books of learning, and he had a son named Bulukiya.

When he grew old and weak and was nigh upon death, his Grandees and Officers of state came up to salute him, and he said to them, 'O folk, know that at hand is the hour of my march from this world to the next, and I have no charge to lay on you, save to commend to your care my son Bulukiya. Then said he, 'I testify that there is no god save the God; and, heaving one sigh, departed the world the mercy of Allah be upon him!

When Bulukiya arrived at the Holy City, he at once sat down to do his devotions and worship the Lord; and, whilst he was so doing, Affan came up and saluted him as a True Believer.

He turned, to take leave of Al-Khizr, but found no trace of him." And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say. When it was the Five Hundred and Thirty-third Night, She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that "when Bulukiya, standing at the gate of his palace, turned to take leave of Al-Khizr, he found no trace of him and entered the palace.

As Bulukiya gazed upon him from the tree and marvelled at the bigness of his bulk, he was presently followed unexpectedly by a multitude of other sea beasts in kind manifolds, each holding in his fore-paw a jewel which shone like a lamp, so that the whole island became as light as day for the lustre of the gems.

There hath appeared in the East a mighty dragon, which hath laid waste a thousand cities and devoured their inhabitants; wherefore Allah Almighty hath commanded us to go to him and seize him and cast him into Jahannam. Bulukiya marvelled at the vastness of their stature and fared on, as before, days and nights, till he came to an island where he landed and walked about for a while," And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.

Accordingly, she began again as follows: "Know, O Hasib, that Bulukiya, after abiding two months with King Barakhiya, farewelled him and fared on over wastes and deserts nights and days' till he came to a high mountain which he ascended. On the summit he beheld seated a great Angel glorifying the names of God and invoking blessings on Mohammed.