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They were bullies and ruffians for the most part, operating at first in the interests of neutrality, the governor's favorite scheme, and in the end falling very naturally into the ranks of the enemies of the Union. Titus raised a company of Home Guards, in which thousands of the citizens of the State were organized, some on one and some on the other side of the question.

When he was turned out of the garden, what a wretch he must have felt himself! and how he must have taunted his poor wife! Weak men are always bullies.

This maintains bullies, bravoes, cut-throats, lawyers, soldiers, &c. Most professions would be useless if all were peaceable. Hence brutes want neither smiths nor lawyers, magistrates nor joiners, soldiers or surgeons. Brutes having but narrow appetites, are incapable of carrying on or perpetuating war against their own species, or of being led out in troops and multitudes to destroy one another.

This persecution was stopped by his old playfellow, Orlando Furioso, who was two years his senior: he threw himself into the crowd one day and dealt his redoubtable blows with so much energy that he scattered the bullies once for all.

To it, lads, sa-ha at him then, good bullies!" For a moment they hesitated but seeing Joanna, her cheeks aglow, her pistols grasped in ready hands, they laughed and cursed and, loosing off such things as incommoded them, prepared to come at me.

The English were great bullies, he said; they thought no one could fight but themselves; but the Yankees had whipped them, and would whip them again. He was not afear'd of them, he never was afear'd in his life. Scarcely were the words out of his mouth, when a horrible apparition presented itself to his view.

"I'll stake the young gentleman a crown," says the Lord Mohun's captain. "I thought crowns were rather scarce with the gentlemen of the army," says Harry. "Do they birch at College?" says the Captain. "They birch fools," says Harry, "and they cane bullies, and they fling puppies into the water."

As for Ashby, his bitterness and jealousy have already been fully set forth, and they were now more intense than ever. Harry stuck the torch in a hollow stone in the floor which appeared to have been made for that purpose. Then he turned to Ashby. "Now, sir," said Ashby, "you have already heard." "No more, I beg," said Harry; "not a word. Let's fight like gentlemen, not jaw like bullies.

Gamblers, criminals, bullies and the riffraff that fled from the protected East had drifted among them in great numbers, and it was this class that caused the trouble. The hardworking "cow-punchers" lived according to the law of the land, and they obeyed that greatest of all laws, that of self-preservation.

That's the philosophy I've had hammered into me with the various thrashings the school bullies at home have from time to time administered. I should certainly have done my best." "And if you had done either of these things, I shudder to think what would have happened. It was unfortunate, terribly unfortunate. You do not know Jake Harnach. Oh, Mr.