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"Well," resumed Mosey, after a pause, "as I was tellin' you, this cove he was there; an' it so happened his near side leader had got bit with a snake, an' died; an' as luck would have it, he'd sold the pick of his bullicks to a tank-sinker, an' bought steers in theyre place; an' he had n't another bullick fit to shove in the near side lead to tackle sich a road as he'd got in front of him.

In an upper room of the neighbouring public-house were a suffering "runner" and a disconsolate "cabby." The "runner" could tell them nothing tangible concerning the man he pursued. "I sawr 'im bring the hoss dahn like a bullick," he whispered, for the poor fellow had received a terrible blow.

I know this refusal of twenty-five shillings a week and 'all found' struck me as tolerably reckless; splendid, in a way, but somewhat foolhardy, and I hinted as much to Ted. 'Och, bother him an' his twenty-five shillin'! said Ted. 'Just because I cleared his old paddick, he thinks I'm a workin' bullick.

"It was this way: The winter afore last, we got a leader in a swap at Deniliquin. Same time I made the keys. Yaller, hoop-horned bullick I dunno if you seen him with us? Well, this Pilot, you could n't pack him" Here Cooper slowly rose, and walked across to his wagon "Lazy mountain o' mullick, that." "Burden to his own self," assented Price obsequiously.

Another day it puzzled me to guess what a youngster was doing, as he capered furiously about the road, wearing his cap pushed back and two short sticks protruding from beneath it over his forehead; but presently I perceived that he was a "bullick" being driven to market.

Well, wot war the hupshot? W'y, Warrigal Half war hunloadin' hat Boottara; an' a yaller bullick 'e 'd got, Pilot by name" "Yes," I gently interposed. "Well, I'll have to be" "'Is Pilot starts by night f'm Boottara ration-paddick, an' does 'is thirty mile to hour 'oss-paddick; an' the hull menagerie tailin' harter. 'Shove 'em in 'e yaad, Toby, ses Muster Magomery.