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Our horses took the barrier in a flying leap, straining themselves for the race beyond. When we had pulled them down to a foot pace we were safely out of rifle shot and there was space to count the cost. There was no cost worth counting. A saddle horn bullet-shattered for me, and the back of Jennifer's sword hand scored lightly across by another of the random missiles summed up our woundings.

He struck the table lightly with doubled fist, "Mr. Loskiel," he said, "I ask you can we find recruits for our regiment in such a place as this? Damme, sir, but I think the entire land has lost its manhood." We sat staring out into the sunshine through a bullet-shattered window.

It might have been an elixir of life, for it gave back the Abbey's youth, and more than its youthful beauty. The bullet-shattered stone turned to blocks of pink and golden topaz, and each carving stood out clear, rimmed with sapphire shadow, as we wandered round the cruciform Gothic ruin, our feet noiseless on the faded velvet of the grass.

Her glance strayed to the portrait of Tiger Elliston that stared down at her from its bullet-shattered frame upon the wall. The eyes of the portrait seemed to bore deep into her own, and the words of MacNair flashed through her brain the words he had used as he gazed into the eyes of that selfsame portrait. Unconsciously fiercely she repeated those words aloud: "By God! Yon is the face of a man!"