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"Mutiny!" cried Vanslyperken, catching at his sword, which hung up on the bulk-head. "Yaw, mynheer de mutiny hear now de ship's company." Vanslyperken lent his ears, when the astounding chorus came rolling aft through the door of the cabin I'll give you a bit of my mind, old hunks; Port admiral you be damned. "Bow, wow, wow," barked Snarleyyow.

I own I should like to be cased in something that once belonged to her. There's the bulk-head that was taken down, to alter the state-rooms for your family it would make as comfortable a coffin as a body could want." I promised the old man all should be done, as he desired. After a short pause, it struck me the present might be a favourable moment to say a ward on the subject of the future.

"I keep on a-listinin for that sir," he said. "Reck'n I'm hard o hearin." He resumed his study of the face on the bulk-head. A long while he gazed: then smacked one fist into the other. "That gal!" he muttered. "I always know'd how it'd be," and turned at last. Taking the paper from the boy, he packed it into the scent-bottle.

The bulk-head of this apartment was at the after-part of the main hatchway, and on each side of it were the berths of the mates and midshipmen; between these berths the arm-chest was placed. The cabin of the master, in which was always kept the key of the arms, was opposite to mine. This particular description of the interior parts of the ship is rendered necessary by the event of the expedition.

On each side of the cook room was a shelf eighteen inches wide at the bulk-head and tapering forward to nothing. Under it were several lockers for the galley utensils and small stores. The room was only four feet high, and a tall cook in the Sea Foam would have found it necessary to discount himself.

Julian was hastily revolving whether they ought, in prudence, to accept this man's invitation, aware, by experience, how many trepans, as they were then termed, were used betwixt two contending factions, each too inveterate to be very scrupulous of the character of fair play to an enemy, when the dwarf, exerting his cracked voice to the uttermost, and shrieking like an exhausted herald, from the exalted station which he still occupied on the bulk-head, exhorted them to accept the offer of the worthy man of the mansion.

Captain Gales leaned back, blankly studying the bulk-head before him. Disturbing thoughts were now running in the Old Man's mind. "Cantor was in this room," mused Captain Gales, "and it was some time afterwards that I missed the envelope. Then, too, Cantor fairly begged for more shore leave, and told me that it was vital to him to be allowed further shore leave.

A long, low knocking as of knuckles against a bulk-head. "Come in!" growled Bob Hampton. "Here's the cook brought your shaving-water, sir." The tapping was repeated, and sounded some little distance off. "Answer them, whoever it is, Bob," I said; for this seemed to be something, if not tangible, at all events certain. There was a little rustling about, and the tapping came again.

There were three more taps at a distance. "Knock again," I said, and this time Bob struck twice. A few moments later there were distinctly heard two knocks. "They heard us," I said, and answered. "Try again with one." He struck once as loudly as he could, and we waited excitedly to hear one blow given apparently on a bulk-head. "Those are our friends there," I cried excitedly.

This melancholy accident was occasioned by the insubordination of some of the sailors, who forced their way through the bulk-head into the fore-hold, to get at a cask of spirits. In the evening I accompanied Mr. Macauley in a drive to the village of Kissey, one of the settlements of liberated Africans.