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"I'm burnin' every book you bring home, do you hear?" he exclaimed; but before he could make good his words, the kitchen door was suddenly opened, and Sammy's head was poked in, with the announcement, "The Doc's buggy's comin' up the road!"

As it came nearer he could see that the horse was spent and exhausted, and that the buggy's sole occupant a woman was equally exhausted in her monotonous attempt to urge it forward with whip and reins that rose and fell at intervals with feeble reiteration. Then he stepped out of the shadow and stood in the middle of the sunlit road to await it. For he recognized his wife. The buggy came nearer.

That's the worst of these cursed coast townships. I shouldn't have left you alone, but if I hadn't, we couldn't have got off properly to-morrow, and I'd set my heart on having things ship-shape for our first camping out. Everything's fixed up now I've been wiring like mad up the line .... The buggy's at the Terminus all right, and I've got the black-boys there, and the tent and all that.

"For heaven's sake see if my buggy's at the door. I CAN'T wait. I must go. D that groom of mine. I must go." At this minute the father of the family walked in, rattling his seals like a true British merchant. "What's the matter, Emmy?" says he. "Joseph wants me to see if his his buggy is at the door. What is a buggy, Papa?"

"If you knew Tess as I do, ... you'd understand," wailed Frederick. "She's the dearest, bravest, sweetest girl in the world." "Bosh!... Now, the question is about getting you home. My buggy's up in the road. Do you think you can walk there?" "I guess so." With his brother-in-law's help, Frederick got to his feet.

"Want me to drop you, old sawbones?" the coroner asked. Savagely the doctor shook his head. "My buggy's in the stable." The coroner's squeak was thinner, more irritating than ever. "Then don't let the spooks get you, driving through the woods. Old folks say there are a-plenty there." Bobby arose. He couldn't face the prospect of the man's squeaking again.

His dog, a Gordon setter bitch, sat on her haunches by him as he stood, his fingers playing with her silky ears. "Now, you'd better come go with me, Henderson," he was urging, "the buggy's here at the door and you need it you need this sort of thing more." "It's a busy day with me, thank you," answered the Reverend Henderson a little coldly, for this Mr. Jonas was a man of no church.

Back of these, riding well up, was a group of horsemen, indistinguishable in the dust raised by the buggy's wheels. Steadily the distance between the Leaguers and the posse diminished. "Don't let them get too close, Governor," whispered Harran. When S. Behrman's buggy was about one hundred yards distant from the irrigating ditch, Magnus sprang out upon the road, leaving his revolvers behind him.

But I'll let her know the mare's mine, and the buggy's mine, all but the harness; and I tell you, Sir, I'll see the mare drowned in Charles River and the buggy split into kindling-wood, before you shall have a ride to Captain Grant's this day." "But here's a five-dollar-bill," quoth Chip, displaying a small handful of banknotes. Frank. "You may go to thunder with the whole of 'em!

They left the train from the rear platform of the last Pullman, and climbed to the ground from the opposite side of the station platform, and after they had hurriedly walked about a mile in the darkness, Boston Frank stopped at a barn, and while Slippery and Joe walked ahead, he noiselessly opened the barn door and after hitching the owner's fastest horse to his best buggy he leisurely overtook the others and made them climb in, after they had placed the heavy satchels in the buggy's body, and then he carefully drove the horse on into the night.