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"I say, Oke," demanded the lad, with what was meant for an overwhelming frown, "do you mean to hint that I have any fear of the Indians?" "Okematan has the belief that Arch-ee never knew fear at all," returned the chief, earnestly; "that he has the courage of the young buffalo-bull." "Well, I'm not quite so sure o' that," returned the boy, with a modest look.

"Thar war Ben Jones, and Samuel Sharp, and Peter Small-eye, and a dozen more, who all had a glimpse of him stalking through the woods, at different times; and, they agree, he looks more like a devil nor a mortal man, a great tall fellow, with horns and a hairy head like a buffalo-bull, and a little devil that looks like a black b'ar, that walks before him to point out the way.

Kipling has told us all about the Law of the Jungle, which after all is only the code of man, adapted to the use of the beasts, by Mr. Rudyard Kipling, but those who know the ways of buffaloes, are aware that they possess one very well recognised law. This is 'Thou shalt not commit trespass. Every buffalo-bull has his own ground; and into this no other bull willingly comes.

Then, through the smoke, they charged at full speed like thunderbolts, Groot Willem roaring like a mad buffalo-bull, Jerry Goldboy shrieking like a wounded elephant, and energising fearfully with legs, arms, reins, and blunderbuss, while the others shouted or laughed in wild excitement. The Fetcani, as Sandy Black had prophesied, could not stand it.

Standing in the centre of a ring, formed by its own turnings and struggles, was the huge form of a buffalo-bull. Its shape indicated that it was a very old one, lank, lean, and covered with long hair, raggled and torn into tufts. Its colour was that of the white dust, but red blood was streaming freshly down its hind flanks, and from its nose and mouth.

"With that hair and whiskers," answered Follett, with some irrelevance, "he looks like an old buffalo-bull just before shedding-time." They rode fast until the night fell, scanning the road ahead for a figure on horseback. When it was quite dark they halted. "We might pass him," suggested Follett. "He was fairly tuckered out, and he might fall off any minute." "Shall we go on slowly?" she asked.