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We had tongue sandwiches and Budweiser, deviled ham and more beer. I remarked that we were awfully wicked, but the newspaper man consoled me by saying the Christ was something of a Bohemian himself. We take an infinite deal of pains and spend an awful sight of money just to make ourselves miserable." One great trouble with the American people is that they do not have nearly enough holidays.

Her friend and schoolmate, Elsie Hicks, who married three drummers in one day, a week or two before, and won a wager of two dozen bottles of Budweiser from the handsome and talented young hack-driver, Bum Smithers, is promenading in and out the low French windows with Ethelbert Windup, the popular young candidate for hide inspector, whose name is familiar to every one who reads police court reports.

A broken thing, I crept into camp and tendered mute apologies to Budweiser, my horse, called familiarly "Buddy." The remainder of that day, Mrs. Fred and I lay under a mosquito-canopy, played solitaire, and rested our aching bodies. The Forest Supervisor climbed Lyman Glacier.

It was eleven o'clock the next morning before I led Buddy I had abandoned "Budweiser" in view of the drought into a mountain stream and let him drink. He would have rolled in it, too, but I was on his back and I fiercely restrained him. The next day was a comparatively short trip. There was a trapper's cabin at the fork of Bridge Creek in the Stehekin River.

So that, although I was on the edge of a cañon a mile deep, I might as well have been posing on the bank of the Ohio River. On the east side of the Park I had ridden Highball. It is not particularly significant that I started the summer on Highball and ended it on Budweiser.

Peace of mind was often facilitated this way. A Singha, a Leo, a Budweiser, a Heineken, and especially that most odious Beer Laos which he had drunk the other night which reminded him of his Barbarous brothers and father. He imagined them with cans in hands as they tried to stomp on his diminutive being while that which was maternal and good pretended it was not happening to him.

Then the door slammed and Stuyvesant was gone. Twice again that night he visited the recruit car. At ten o'clock, after enjoying for an hour or more the sight of Miss Ray in animated chat with two of the six women passengers of the sleeper, and the sound of her pleasant voice, Stuyvesant wandered into the diner for a glass of cool Budweiser.

Slim was puzzled, and looked it. Then a new thought lighted up his face. "You don't mean a Budweiser, do you?" Polly, deeply serious, replied: "No that ain't it boudoir." Slim ransacked his memory for the word. "Boudoir," he continued reflectively. "One of them 'fo' de wah' things we ust to have down in Kentucky?" An explanation was demanded of him, and he proceeded to invent one.