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I happened to glance inside; there was Krauss himself and two fat natives, one a notorious budmash, and I noticed that, after I had passed, a hand pulled down the blind. Why? In a place like this, and indeed everywhere, a man is judged by his friends. Krauss tries to keep in with Rangoon society and poses as a brusque, eccentric sort of a fellow, with a rude manner and a good heart.

Yet the sahib sleeps there if he does sleep without fear. And no harm comes to him." Ramnath slowly shook his head. "The sahib does not sleep. Nor is there aught in the forest that can do him harm. Or my elephant either. The budmash tried to kill the sahib, and Badshah protected him. When the big snake attacked Badshah, the sahib saved him. "But what do they in the forest?" asked Chotu again.

'This boy, said Imam Din judicially, 'is a budmash a big budmash. He will, without doubt, go to the jail-khana, for his behaviour. Renewed yells from the penitent, and an elaborate apology to myself from Imam Din.

Imam Din conveyed my forgiveness to the offender, who had now gathered all his shirt round his neck, stringwise, and the yell subsided into a sob. The two set off for the door. "His name," said Imam Din, as though the name were part of the crime, "is Muhammad Din, and he is a budmash."

He felt no real affection for the big, tiresome man, though he admired him, his size, his good looks, and a way he had with grown-up people; but he decided quite dispassionately, on evidence and without any rancour, that the big man was a "budmash," for he, unlike Auntie Jan, never did anything he said he'd do.

"He fell into a budmash on his way home and was half-drowned, but the chickory, assisted by a friendly chota-hazri, managed to pull him out ... quite an eventful day!" "10 P.M. The body of the ram chikor has just been brought in.

"Truly, heavenborn. One son, who grows into a man the treasure of my old heart." "A gambler!" "A young man, heavenborn, who feels his manhood now and then gay now and then foolish " "A budmash!" "Nay, an honest one!" "Who borrowed from Mukhum Dass the money-lender, making untrue promises?" "Nay, the money was to pay a debt." "A gambling debt, and he lied about it."

Freed from present danger, Muhammad Din turned round in his father's arms, and said gravely, "it is true that my name is Muhammad Din, Tahib, but I am not a budmash. I am a man!" From that day dated my acquaintance with Muhammad Din.

'His name, said Imam Din, as though the name were part of the crime, 'is Muhammad Din, and he is a budmash. Freed from present danger, Muhammad Din turned round in his father's arms, and said gravely, 'It is true that my name is Muhammad Din, Tahib, but I am not a budmash. I am a man! From that day dated my acquaintance with Muhammad Din.

Wot devil's work 'ave you led me into? 'Hall right, sez we, 'you catch that there pony an' come along. This Sahib's been decoited, an' we're going to resky 'im! Says the driver, 'Decoits! Wot decoits? That's Buldoo the budmash' 'Bhuldoo be shot! sez we, ''Tis a woild dissolute Pathan frum the hills. There's about eight av thim coercin' the Sahib.