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And for the sake of your poor, dead mother" here Aunt Matilda endeavored to show some emotion "for the sake of your poor dead mother " But Ralph heard no more. The buckwheat-cakes had lost their flavor.

Young Custis had a private tutor, employed by the president, who was engaged to attend on his pupil one hour in the winter mornings, before breakfast; and who, then, commonly breakfasted with the president and his family. The president ate Indian-cakes for breakfast, after the Virginia fashion, although buckwheat-cakes were generally on the table.

To these, if report may be believed, are we indebted for the invention of slap-jacks, or buckwheat-cakes. Then the Van Higginbottoms, of Wapping's creek.

And then might follow a simply tremendous discussion about the digestibility of buckwheat-cakes. And then the conversation of every group in the lounge would be stopped by the entry of a page bearing a telegram and calling out in the voice of destiny the name of him to whom the telegram was addressed.

Half an hour later, Ralph, having seen Miss Nancy Sawyer's machinery of warm baths and simple remedies safely in operation, and having seen the roan colt comfortably stabled, and rewarded for his faithfulness by a bountiful supply of the best hay and the promise of oats when he was cool half an hour later Ralph was doing the most ample, satisfactory, and amazing justice to his Aunt Matilda's hot buckwheat-cakes and warm coffee.

What we need is the kind of food that will destroy our amiability and put us in a frame of mind calculated to make willing to kill our best friends nay, our own brothers and sisters if occasion arises, with a smiling face. Look at me. I could kill my brother Joseph, dear as he is to me, and never shed a tear, and it's buckwheat-cakes and waffles that have done it!" Likewise he abhorred dancing.

Come, come, thank Headley for his refusal. When you sit down to-morrow morning, as I intend you shall, to a luxurious breakfast of tea, coffee, fried venison, and buckwheat-cakes, you will find no reason to complain of his adherence to military prudence." "Elmsley," returned his friend, seriously, "I can have no disguise from you at such a moment.

Brown fields came up at him through the paling darkness. A sign-board showed that he was a few miles from Mineola. Letting the coming dawn uplift him, he tramped into Mineola, with a half-plan of going on to the near-by Hempstead Plains Aviation Field, to see if there was any early-morning flying. It would be bully to see a machine again! At a lunch-wagon he ordered buckwheat-cakes and coffee.

To these, if report may be believed, are we indebted for the invention of slap-jacks, or buckwheat-cakes. Then the Van Higginbottoms, of Wapping's creek.

He had a wide circuit, owing to his reputation, and tried cases far distant from home. I remember one of his experiences in an out-of-the-way county of Arkansas. The hotel where they all stopped was very primitive, and he had the same table with the judge. The most attractive offer for breakfast by the landlady was buckwheat-cakes.