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"That's all, so far, but I can get more. Buckner likes me." The old man's passing amusement was gone, and his indignation returned with full force. "P'r'aps ye can git th' likin's iv a man who says me Misther Robert's wife ain't his wife, but 'twill be healthier f'r ye if ye gits th' likin's iv Misther Robert himself.

Levy was absorbed in his own thoughts for several moments, which time was profitably employed by Buckner again to replenish his glass, and to help himself to a fresh cigar. "Look here, Buckner." Levy spoke so suddenly that his companion guiltily replaced the unlighted cigar in the box.

Johnston with his main army, the very flower of the western South, fell back from Bowling Green, in Kentucky, toward Nashville, the capital of Tennessee. But Buckner, with his division, was sent from Bowling Green to help defend Donelson against the threatened attack by Grant, and he arrived there six days after the fall of Henry.

Kentuckians believe in great names. It is to this tune that the traitors have carried them to the field against us. I will take with me to the field all the men living, old and young, who have made those names great. Buckner took the young Crittendens and Clays; by Heaven, I'll take their fathers!" "But they can't march." "I'll haul them, then." "They can be of no service in that way."

The horde stood blank; then it shifted its legs, looked sideways at itself, and in a hesitating clump reached the door, shambled in, and removed its foolish hat. "Good-morning, gentlemen," said Jessamine Buckner, seated behind her railing; and various voices endeavored to reply conventionally. "If you have any letters, ma'am," said the Virginian, more inventive, "I'll take them.

This talk was bruited abroad; Grant himself heard it, and had to consider what not a few people were saying, namely, that he had had before him in the West as leaders of the enemy only such men as Buckner and Beauregard and Pemberton; now he must stand up face to face with "Old Bobby Lee" and take the blows of the great Virginian against whom neither strategy nor force had hitherto prevailed.

General Pillow, who now found himself within the intrenchments at the salient, held by Colonel Heiman, directed the artillery to remain, and sent reiterated orders to Buckner to return and resume his position within the works. He was in the act of returning when he met General Floyd, who seemed surprised at the movement.

The other two generals agreed, but declared that they would not stay to be made prisoner. So in the night they silently crept away with their men. Early next morning General Buckner, left alone in command, wrote to Grant proposing a truce in order to arrange terms of surrender. Grant's answer was short and sharp. "No terms except unconditional and immediate surrender can be accepted," he said.

Admiral Buckner arrived on board his flag-ship, the Sandwich, without the deference due to an admiral, and then had to wait three hours for Parker and the Delegates on the quarter-deck. At the interview that followed, while apologizing to the admiral for his discourtesy, Parker wore his hat as quasi-admiral of the fleet.

You are evidently the p'oper pusson, as I reco'nize this as my own chirography." The up-country boy stood in awed silence. He thought he had never heard such fine language before. "I ca'culate that you have nevah had no experience in hotel work," pursued Mr. Buckner somewhat more graciously. "I's nevah done nuffin' but wo'k on a farm; but evahbody 'lows I's right handy."