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It was his first bewildering taste of the duties of a sailor's life. As the men pushed with a will at the capstan bars, and the ship drew toward her anchor, some one struck up a song that ran somewhat as follows: "A bucklin' wind and a swashin' tide, Yo ho, ho, boys, yo ho, ho! If I had Nancy by my side, With a yo ho, ho, ho, boys, yo ho, ho!"

"Stop! Come back!" His shrill voice carried above the terrifying noise. "It's the plates bucklin' between the ribs." "Plates! Hell! she's breakin' up!" Neville rushed in from the engine-room. "Back to your fires, men, or we'll all drown! Steam, keep up " He was shouting at full-lung power, but his cries were cut short. Again the deafening reports started at the bows.

Add mustard, vinegar, and pepper to taste. Serve as salad, with young lettuce leaves, and garnish with hard-boiled eggs, sliced. This is a delightful relish with thin-sliced bread and butter, and is called "Salmagundi." From MISS LORAINE PEARCE BUCKLIN, of Rhode Island, Alternate Lady Manager. Three eggs, beat yolks and whites separately.

I'll go an' I'll take my lay-off by bucklin' tight down to business; but if it don't seem to agree with me, why, I'll come back here an' make a report." "Now, don't stay away long, cause the little girl is lonesome for company, an' as she sez to me the other night, you're better company than any book, an' you've got more intelligence than a school-teacher."

To see such a powerful, noble body, that wuz used to doin' the biggest kind of jobs, quietly bucklin' down pumpin' water to supply a tea-kettle, and churn a little butter, mebby! Why, thinks I, what a lesson to hired girls that is, they're always so fraid of doin' a little more than it is their place to do.

He had stolen a bill introduced by Senator Bucklin, providing that cities could own their own water works and gas works; but the Senator's wife had been watching him; she had followed him to the basement and stopped him as he tried to escape to the street; and it was the Senator now who had him by the neck.

It's bucklin' right down with our bare hands me outside and you in? And you only eighteen. See what little hands If I could do it all!" "Your promise is broken," she whispered. "I made you break it. You will have to tell him now, or we must go." "So be!" said Adam solemnly. "And God do so to me and more also, if I have to hurt my little girl, Emmy wife!"

But Venters's voice would have kept anybody's legs from bucklin'. I was stiff myself. He went on an' called Tull called him every bad name ever known to a rider, an' then some. He cursed Tull. I never hear a man get such a cursin'. He laughed in scorn at the idea of Tull bein' a minister.

"But I couldn't move a foot without my knees bucklin', so I takes out my makin's and rolls a cigarette. And while I was doin' it I was prayin' that my strength would come back to me before he come back to himself and started!" "It was surprise that held him, Buck. To think of you striking him you who have saved his life and fought for him like a blood-brother.