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She bucked with enthusiasm and intelligence, as she did all things. Sun-fishing, sun-fishing is the most deadly form of bucking, for it consists of a series of leaps apparently aimed at the sun, and the horse comes down with a sickening jar on stiff front legs.

What I mean is, she made me feel alert and dashing, like a jolly old knight-errant or something of that kind. I felt that I was with her in this thing to the limit. "I don't see why your uncle shouldn't be most awfully bucked," I said to Corky. "He will think Miss Singer the ideal wife for you." Corky declined to cheer up. "You don't know him. Even if he did like Muriel he wouldn't admit it.

When they released the ropes it lay down and wouldn't get up. The round-up had started; so Sylvane gave me his horse, Baldy, which sometimes bucked but never went over backwards, and he got on the now rearisen Ben Butler. To my discomfiture Ben started quietly beside us, while Sylvane remarked, "Why, there's nothing the matter with this horse; he's a plumb gentle horse."

You look like a different chap than you were an hour ago " "I feel it!" laughed the other, but again that undernote of grimness rang in his tone. "It's done me a lot of good, this little talk with you, Win. You'll never realize just how you've bucked me up." Winnie puzzled over the significance of the last remark after he had dropped his friend at the Park entrance and turned north again.

Good-night, Mr. McLean; good-night, young Mr. "I'm Billy Lusk. I can ride Chalkeye's pinto that bucked Honey Wiggin." "I am sure you can ride finely, Mr. Lusk. Maybe you and I can take a ride together. Pleasant dreams!" She nodded and smiled to him, and slid her door to; and Billy considered it, remarking: "I like her. What makes her live in a car?"

A buckboard, driven furiously, came over the hill-rise before them the doctor's rig. "Ask him ask him!" she called to her driver. As they drew up alongside, the doctor's driver began talking without need for inquiries. "Spread rail! The rear car just bucked over the trestle " "Anybody dead?" "Two that I saw and everybody in the rear car hurt.

There was a swift scatter backward of the onlookers as Pedro swung to the saddle. Before his right foot was in the stirrup, the bronco bucked. The young Mexican, light and graceful, settled to the saddle with a delighted laugh, and drove the spurs home. The animal humped like a camel, head and tail down, went into the air and back to earth, with four feet set like pile-drivers.

All he ever held on to he fought for. He bucked Western Lumber for a dozen years, first and last. And, by cripes, he nailed their durned hides on his stable-door, too! "Well, I heard tell about this same Luke Sanford ten years ago and more about him and his little girl. From what folks said I guess there never was a man wanted a boy-baby worse'n Luke Sanford before Judith come.

It tottered, but the lithe figure moved on to within striking distance. He swung the twenty-four pound sledge in a circle against the butt of the timber. Every muscle in his body from the ankles up had helped to deal the blow, and the big stick bucked. The boss sprang erect, flinging his arms wide and using the sledge to recover his balance. He struck hard once more and again lightly.

It was not technically a reserve camp, which was farther on; but they knew it was a camp for battalions to rest in when they have been very good, and it is desired to give them time to recover their wind. They were rather "bucked" with the idea of this resting-place. At midday they arrived there.