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"I declare, I forgot to fire at all!" exclaimed Ned. "I never once thought of my pistol." "Ha! ha! ha!" roared Jerry. "You've got the 'buck-fever' my boy. I might a knowed you wouldn't a fired; no, nor you, neither," continued he, turning towards Hal. "But I did fire twice, though," said Hal. "Le'me see yer pistol, youngster," said Jerry; after examining it, he again burst into a loud laugh.

It flashed across him that this was something like buck-fever, the paralyzing moment that comes upon a man when his first elk looks at him through the bushes, under its great antlers; the moment when a man's mind is so full of shooting that he forgets the gun in his hand until the buck nods adieu to him from a distant hill. All at once, before the buck had left him, she was there.

She quivered with the excitement that in a man would have been called buck-fever. Food food abundance of food, and the old huntress sank to earth.

I had once experienced buck-fever, but it was nothing compared to this. The short carbine began to jump viciously under my grip. The sloop was nearly on the rocks! At that critical moment overboard went the bundle, the two men with the lantern rushing out and dragging it clear of the swash.

Royal is going to take the antlers home with him to Philadelphia. We were mighty glad to get him, too; for we have been camping here for five weeks, and were running short of provisions. Roy had quite an attack of buck-fever over it, though he didn't think he was killing the 'fatted calf', to entertain a visitor; did you, Roy?" "I guess not, Uncle!

We packed the carcass into camp and while removing the skin, Nat took occasion to congratulate me, on being able to so perfectly imitate a fawn as to lure a panther from its lair; advising me however, to give up deer-stalking until I struck a better streak of luck. "There boys, you see what the 'buck-fever' did for me. We are all liable to take it." "Yes; but you killed the panther," said Hal.

That night Jones told stories of frightened hunters, and assuaged my mortification by saying "buck-fever" was pardonable after the danger had passed, and especially so in my case, because of the great size and fame of Old Tom. "The worst case of buck-fever I ever saw was on a buffalo hunt I had with a fellow named Williams," went on Jones.

Then the King sang to her, and Archie began to remember where they were in the story. She came to the front of the stage, lifted her eyes for the first time, clasped her hands and began, "EINSAM IN TRUBEN TAGEN." Yes, it was exactly like buck-fever. Her face was there, toward the house now, before his eyes, and he positively could not see it.

These English fellows may expect to have an attack of buck-fever, or moose-fever rather, which will set their blood on fire. Not that we're out chiefly for killing; we're willing to let his mooseship keep a whole skin, and go in peace to replenish the forests, unless he grows cantankerous and charges us."

But I'm pretty glad, all the same," answered Royal, with a smiling glance at Dol. Young Farrar found himself in very pleasant quarters; and, now that he was recovering, his laugh rang from one log wall to the other. "What's 'buck-fever'?" he questioned, while Joe filled his plate with more venison.