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But, after all, it was this wolf, not an ordinary brush-fence wolf, that he was so anxious to study; and the unexpected was just what he had most reason to expect! He was getting what he came for. Kane knew that the way to study the wild creatures was to keep still and make no noise. So be stiffened into instant immobility, and regretted that he had brought the dog with him.

Another mountaineer, seeing the rockets and hearing the sound of the cannon, came down to Poteet's for information. He leaned over the brush-fence. "What's up, Teague?" "Gal-baby; reg'lar surbinder." "Shoo! won't my ole 'oman holler! What's up down yan?" "Them dad-blasted Restercrats a secedin' out'n the United States." "They say theyer airter savin' of the'r niggers," said the man at the fence.

"Perfectly well." "What are you looking at?" "That hill yonder, shut in by a thicket. There is a house there." And I spurred on, followed by Mohun. In five minutes we reached the brush-fence; our horses easily cleared it, and we rode up the hill toward the desolate-looking mansion. I surveyed it intently.

Paul was plowing with two yoke of steers and Pete Mufraw stopped at the brush-fence to watch the plow cut its way right through rocks and stumps. When they reached the end of the furrow Paul picked up the plow and the oxen with one arm and turned them around. Pete took one look and then wandered off down the trail muttering, "Hox an' hall! She's lift hox an' hall."

Think it'll be like mendin' a brush-fence makin' bad worse. Where on earth did you gather up sich a gang o' scare-crows? I wouldn't waste my days and nights pickin' up sich runts as them. When I go manhuntin' I'll gether something that's worth while." Every bright sally of Maria was punctuated with shrieks of laughter from the girls accompanying her.