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A short gown of brilliantly striped cotton reached to the knees, brown-stockinged arms and legs were matched by brown-painted face and neck; standing side by side with the Dutch Doll, the respective whiteness and brownness became accentuated to a positively dazzling extent, and the onlookers were jubilant with delight.

The fall of the first showers after such a long season of bareness and brownness is almost as immediate in its effects as the waving of a fairy's magic wand over Cinderella, sitting ragged in the ashes and cinders. The change thus wrought is well described by a poet of the soil in a few picturesque lines: Week by week the near hills whitened, In their dusty leather cloaks;

'There IS a secret, sacred name beneath the altar of Amen-Ra. Shall I call on that name? 'No, no! cried the Priest in terror. 'No, said Jane, too. 'Don't let's have any calling names. 'Besides, said Rekh-mara, who had turned very white indeed under his natural brownness, 'I was only going to say that though there isn't any name under 'There IS, said the Psammead threateningly.

Sunlight, real genial light of the sun, never made its way there, and no amount of candles could illumine the gloom of that brownness. The windows were never washed; the ceiling was of a dark brown; the old Turkey carpet was thick with dust, and brown withal. The ungainly office-table, in the middle of the room, had been covered with black leather, but that was now brown.

It was early afternoon. Near by, the smaller hills shimmered in the radiant warmth of late spring, the brownness of their foliage and boulders merging gradually upward to the green of the spruces and pines of the higher mountains, which in turn gave way before the somber blacks and whites of the main range, where yet the snow lingered from the clutch of winter, where the streams ran brown with the down-flow of the continental divide, where every cluster of mountain foliage sheltered a mound of white, in jealous conflict with the sun.

They turned pale through their hardy brownness, and then flushed darkly red. It flashed on them in an instant. This was the meaning of the girl's sickness, of a thousand hints they had not understood. Tom, with characteristic patience, was the first to bend his back to the burden. 'Whisht, mother, he said, 'whisht. Don't talk about cursing.

There he was in all the pleasant morning freshness of it strong and sleek and gay, easy and fragrant and fathomless, with happy health in his colour, and pleasant silver in his thick young hair, and the right word for everything on the lips that his clear brownness caused to show as red.

Languid of eyelids, with a down like silk upon her cheek, Within her wasting lover's heart she queens it still in state. And yet another: Yea, by my life, such virtues in goodly brownness lie, One spot thereof makes whiteness the shining moons outvie; But if the like of whiteness is borrowed, then, for sure, Its beauty were transmuted unto reproach thereby.

Neither the brownness of it nor the shadow appeared to harmonize with the image of her that haunted the mirror. "Now!" she whispered low. "It's done. I'm home. The old life or a new life? How to meet either. Now!" Thus she challenged her spirit. And her intelligence rang at her the imperative necessity for action, for excitement, for effort that left no time for rest or memory or wakefulness.

Dimple, feeling very brave, opened the window and cried out, "Go away!" then she shut down the window with a slam, and sprang into the middle of the room with very red cheeks and a beating heart. After a little time all was quiet, and the three timidly ventured downstairs to find the pie baked to such a crisp brownness, that it barely escaped being called black.