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If they think it's about right, they'll give you the money; and if they don't, they won't." Mr Crosbie then left the office without exchanging another word with Dobbs Broughton, and went down into Hook Court. As he descended the stairs he turned over in his mind the propriety of going to Messrs Burton and Bangles with the view of relieving himself from his present difficulty.

For, leave aside twa cracks here in the wood with Charlie Stewart, I have scarce said black or white since the day we parted at Corstorphine." With which he rose from his place, and we began to move quietly eastward through the wood. The whiteness of the path guided us into the sleeping town of Broughton, thence through Picardy, and beside my old acquaintance the gibbet of the two thieves.

He heard no more of the metropolitan press, and was surprised to find that the 'Broughton Gazette' inserted only a very short paragraph, in which it stated that "they had been given to understand that Mr. and Mrs. Peacocke had resumed their usual duties at the Bowick School, after the performance of an interesting ceremony in London, at which Dr. Wortle and Mr. Puddicombe had assisted."

But she knew the matter well enough. No confession was necessary to inform her that Patience Woolsworthy was in love with John Broughton ay, in love, to the full and entire loss of her whole heart. On one evening she was so sitting till the July sun had fallen and hidden himself for the night, when her father came upon her as he returned from one of his rambles on the moor.

"TO BE SOLD, A BLACK BOY, with long hair, stout made, and well-limbed is good tempered, can dress hair, and take care of a horse indifferently. He has been in Britain nearly three years. "Any person that inclines to purchase him may have him for £40. He belongs to Captain ABERCROMBIE at Broughton. "This advertisement not to be repeated."

"At any rate mamma can't come downstairs, and you must excuse her. What a very nice woman Mrs Dobbs Broughton is." Johnny acknowledged that Mrs Dobbs Broughton was charming. "And Mr Broughton is so good-natured!" Johnny again assented. "I like him of all things," said Miss Demolines. "So do I," said Johnny; "I never liked anybody so much in my life.

She wondered at the reason of the change, till the words he had spoken on the day of their jaunt to Broughton occurred to her: "No sooner was one want satisfied than another arose to take its place. It's a law of nature that ensures the survival of the fittest, by making men always struggle to win the desire of the moment."

"But you can see the woman's fixed purpose; and her stealthiness as well; and the man sleeps like a log. What is that dim outline?" "Nothing in particular," said Dalrymple. But the dim outline was intended to represent Mrs Van Siever. "It is very good, unquestionably good," said Mrs Dobbs Broughton. "I do not for a moment doubt that you would make a great picture of it.

At any rate there was nothing in Mrs Van Siever's intrusion, disagreeable as it was, which need make him take up his sword to do battle with her. But now, as he held Mrs Broughton in his arms, and as the horrid words which the old woman had spoken rung in his ears, he could not refrain himself form uttering reproach.

'Papa, she said to her father that afternoon, 'dear papa, do not be angry with me. It is all over between me and John Broughton. Dearest, you and I will not be separated. It would be useless here to tell how great was the old man's surprise and how true his sorrow. As the tale was told to him no cause was given for anger with anyone.