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"My husband brokes outside, and has done for the last twenty years. Collect yourself, Jupiter. Pray do not doff your toga virilibus in the presence of ladies!" The terror of Mr.

"Hit brokes me all up ter year you talk so, honey, en I bless de Lawd 'tain' likely any ting gwinter hap'n in dese yere parts. De wah am ragin' way off fum heah, nobody comin' wid news, en bimeby you gits mo' settle down. Some day you know de valley ob peace en quietness." "See here, Aun' Jinkey," said the girl, with a flash of her eyes, "you know the little pond off in the woods.

"You mus' be careful," she said; "here is the steps brokes, an' you shall go slow and not slips." It was so dark here that Russell could see nothing; but he felt that Rita was descending, so he prepared to follow. The steps here had been broken in places, leaving a rough, inclined plane, with loose stones and mortar.

He meekly picked up his hat, brushed off the dirt, and looking reproachfully at Nick said: "Do you know you broke two of my ribs?" "I dinks I brokes dem all: dat's what I meant to do; I will try him agin." "No, you won't!" exclaimed Herbert, darting off in a run too rapid for the short legs of Nick to equal.

'You're a man, said Torpenhow. 'I'm afraid I've been a fool. It isn't our business to run about the earth reforming Bessie Brokes. And a woman of any kind has no right on this landing. 'Perhaps she won't come back. 'She will if she thinks she can get food and warmth here. I know she will, worse luck. But remember, old man, she isn't a woman; she's my model; and be careful. 'The idea!

In the midst of these literary aberrations, during the first part of the foregoing century, Thomson, the English poet, Brokes of Hamburg, and the Swiss, Albert von Haller, gave their descriptions of nature to the world. Brokes, in his "Earthly Pleasures in God," was faithful, often Homeric, in his descriptions, while Haller depictured his native Alps with unparalleled sublimity.