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Madame Desvarennes, overcome by such a load of grief, lost command of herself, and, quite brokenhearted, began to cry and moan. "O God! Micheline, my poor child! you were suffering so and did not tell me. Oh! I knew you no longer trusted your old mother. And I stupidly did not guess it!

John also behaved very boldly in the same engagement, and received several wounds, of which he was not happy enough to die on the spot. Old Sir Hildebrand, entirely brokenhearted by these successive losses, became, by the next day's surrender, one of the unhappy prisoners, and was lodged in Newgate with his wounded son John.

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, To preach the acceptable year of the Lord. And he closed the book, and he gave it again to the minister, and sat down.

I went right there, and stayed six weeks with her, hangin' right over her bed, night and day; and so did his mother, she a brokenhearted woman too. Her heart broke, too, by the United States; and so I told Josiah, that little villain that got killed was only one of his agents. Yes, her heart was broke; but she bore up for Cicely's sake and the boy's.

"And Bridget, who was feared herself, said, 'Whist, for God's sake, do not bring a curse on the house! "And then he just cursed the house from flooring to roof-tree, and so went to his own place! "Dead? Well, yes dead and buried is old Dickie Wilkes. But poor Israel Kinmont is quite brokenhearted.

Moreover, I knew that I could pray for light. I consulted a good colored man, named Charles Johnson; and, in tones of holy affection, he told me to pray, and what to pray for. I was, for weeks, a poor, brokenhearted mourner, traveling through the darkness and misery of doubts and fears.

Woodward, speaking through her sobs 'God forgive me! I am a brokenhearted woman, and say I know not what. My Katie, my darling, my best of darlings will you forgive me? 'Oh, mamma, said Katie, kissing her mother's hands, and her arms, and the very hem of her garment, 'oh, mamma, do not speak so.

"He wasn't the only one," Barby said swiftly, and to Rick's amazement she and Jan Miller burst into peals of laughter. This wasn't the reaction Rick had expected. "But the romance," he said doubtfully. "I mean, you should be brokenhearted ..." "I'll never understand girls," Scotty said darkly. "It was like sitting through the same movie too many times," Barby explained.

They turned feignedly;" Jer. iii. 10; Hos. vii. 14, 16. Thus doing, his soul hates; but the penitent, humble, brokenhearted sinner, be his transgressions red as scarlet, red like crimson, in number as the sand; though his transgressions cry to heaven against him for vengeance, and seem there to cry louder than do his prayers, or tears, or groans for mercy, yet he is safe.

The brokenhearted widows and destitute orphans of the labouring men whose corpses hung at the cross roads were called upon by the agents of the Treasury to explain what had become of a basket, of a goose, of a flitch of bacon, of a keg of cider, of a sack of beans, of a truss of hay.