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Poor Lord Broadstone could not escape from the connection between the arrival of his letter and the seizure which had killed his old comrade.

The two captains dined at Broadstone while Olive was there, and Captain Lancaster highly approved of Mrs. Easterfield. All seafaring men did as well as most other men. "It is a shame she had to marry a landsman," said Captain Lancaster, when he and Captain John had gone home. "It seems to me she would have suited you."

He did not say anything till they were seated in the carriage, and then astonished Mrs. Edmonstone by exclaiming 'It must be my uncle! I am sure it must. I'll ride to Broadstone the first thing to-morrow, and find him out. 'Your uncle! exclaimed Mrs. Edmonstone. 'I never thought of that. S. B. Dixon, said Guy. 'I know his name is Sebastian. It cannot be any one else.

Edmonstone, growing ashamed, under Philip's eye, as of a dreadful piece of imprudence. 'I was out of the way at the time, but I could not refuse my consent, you know, as things stood then. 'Do you mean to say that Amy is engaged to him? 'Why, no not exactly engaged, only on trial, you understand, to see if he will be steady. I was at Broadstone; 'twas mamma settled it all.

The people of Glenford will be your everlasting debtors. It might be a good thing to invite Maria Port out here. You could give her the best time she ever had in her life, telling her about the Broadstone people." "Maria Port, indeed!" said Olive. "But we won't talk of her. And you really are willing I should go?" "I speak the truth when I say I want you to go," replied the captain.

That night, soon after the family at Broadstone had retired to their rooms, Olive knocked at the door of Mrs. Easterfield's chamber. "Do you know," she exclaimed, when she had been told to enter, "that a horrible idea has come into my head? Uncle John may have been taken sick, and that man looked just like a doctor. Old Jane was busy with uncle, and as the doctor had to wait, he took the toll.

Yes, Amy, you may laugh; but if a man is not resolute in a little, he will never be resolute in great matters. 'And Guy has been resolute the right way this time, said Laura. 'May he always be the same, said Philip. Philip had undertaken, on his way back to Broadstone, to conduct Charlotte to East-hill, where she was to spend the day with a little niece of Mary Ross.

There he is at Broadstone, as gentlemanlike a youth as I would wish to see. We will have him to dinner some day, and Maurice too eh, mamma? Maurice he is a young Irish cousin of my own, a capital fellow at the bottom, but a regular thoroughgoing rattle. That was my doing. I told his father that he could not do better than put him into the th.

Lord Broadstone must bear the responsibility." And hurriedly, incoherently, she explained that the letter from Lord Broadstone was an urgent appeal to Ferrier's patriotism and to his personal friendship for the writer; begging him for the sake of party unity, and for the sake of the country, to allow the Prime Minister to cancel the agreement of the day before; to accept a peerage and the War Office in lieu of the Exchequer and the leadership of the House.

Her visit to Broadstone was drawing to a close, and she was getting very tired of Mr. Locker and Mr. and Mrs. Fox. She found, now her anger had cooled down, that she was actually missing her uncle, and was thinking of him as of some one who belonged to her.