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It is not worthwhile translating Homer into English unless the readers of the translation understand English. It is not worthwhile attempting to translate the occult Eastern physics into the language of our Western and modern physics, unless those who are to read the translation understand generally and broadly what our own modern physics teach.

"Drive a ball over into Stayton and then fill up the score card while the Centrals are looking for it!" advised another Teall partisan. "Centrals?" jeered another boy from the South. Grammar. "Centrals? Show 'em they're just plain hello-girls!" Ted grinned broadly at this "hello-girls" nickname. Just then another fan from the southern part of Gridley piped up: "Ted, eat 'em.

It occurred to me at the time that bird's-eye views are not usually ordered at ten o'clock at night; but I was too absorbed in watching my friend's expression of bewilderment, doubt, delight and anticipation in rapid succession, and I did no more than shrug. At length he smiled broadly, remarked, "Right. I'll get busy. See you later, Jimmy. G'bye," and rang off.

Broadly speaking, in the field of management there are two parties the superintendents, etc., on one side and the men on the other, and the main questions at issue are the speed and accuracy with which the work shall be done.

Fred had hard work to conceal his amusement but he managed it. The soldier solemnly turned him about and pushed him in the direction whence he had come. But Fred immediately turned around, walked a couple of paces as he had been going, and then stopped, smiling broadly. Then he turned around, shook his head violently, and turned back.

Agricultural conditions all over New England are quite similar. Speaking broadly, the soil and climate of one state are the soil and climate of another. The people are of the same stock, the same views, the same habits, the same traditions. The demand of the market is fairly uniform for different sections. The New England city is the New Englander's special possession as a market.

I was a page then, and had learned but to obey. I am a boy still, but I have begun to learn to rule; at any rate, to rule myself. I have not conquered my fault of hastiness altogether." Osgod smiled broadly. "You are quick in temper still, Wulf. You remember it was but yesterday that you rated me soundly because I had fed your hawks early, and they were too lazy to fly when you wanted them."

He gave a loud cough of laughter, smiled broadly and tugged twice at the straw-coloured goatee which hung from his blunt chin. The next business is to sign the testimonial. Will you pay me anything if I sign? asked Stephen. I thought you were an idealist, said MacCann. The gipsy-like student looked about him and addressed the onlookers in an indistinct bleating voice.

Then some one drew an audible sigh of content; and a kind of dialogue took place though there was but the one voice full of quaint lifts and falls. Garth and Natalie, smiling broadly, listened without shame. "Ah! a fine day, a bellyful of bacon, and a pipeful of tobacco! would you change with a moneyed man, Tom Lillywhite?" "Well I don't know, sir!

The plumage of his breast was puffed out so broadly that it came over the wings, and in a front view completely hid them, while the feathers of his shoulders were erected till he resembled a lady with a fur shoulder cape. Withal, his head was drawn down to his body, and his beak pointed upward at an angle of forty-five degrees.