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"The election takes place to-day, and he thinks it right to be there. He will meet Mr. Brithwood and Lord Luxmore; and though there is not the slightest need my husband can do all that he has to do alone still, for my own satisfaction, I would like his brother to be near him." They invariably called me their brother now; and it seemed as if the name had been mine by right of blood always.

Brithwood. These two, apparently sure of their cause, had recovered their spirits, and talked and laughed loudly on the other side of the church. It was a very small building, narrow and cruciform; every word said in it was distinctly audible throughout. "My lord, gentlemen, and my friends all," said Sir Ralph, rising gravely, "let me hope that every one will respect the sanctity of this place."

Brithwood looked too enraged for words; but Lord Luxmore, taking snuff with a sarcastic smile, said: "Honores mutant mores! I thought, Mr. Halifax, you eschewed politics?" "Mere politics I do, but not honesty, justice, morality; and a few facts have reached my knowledge, though possibly not Lord Luxmore's, which make me feel that Mr.

It was now almost supper-time held a glorious hour at Norton Bury parties. People began to look anxiously to the door. "Before we adjourn," said Lady Caroline, "I must do what it will be difficult to accomplish after supper;" and for the first time a sharp, sarcastic tone jarred in her smooth voice. "I must introduce you especially to my husband. Mr. Brithwood?" "Madam." He lounged up to her.

"Well, perhaps, we may manage it some time." "When our ship comes in namely, that money which Richard Brithwood will not pay, and John Halifax will not go to law to make him. Nay, father dear, I am not going to quarrel with any one of your crotchets." She spoke with a fond pride, as she did always, even when arguing against the too Quixotic carrying out of the said crotchets.

I suppose he is; he is always well. His late astonishing honesty to Mr. Halifax cost him a fit of gout mais n'importe. If they meet, I suppose all things will be smooth between them?" "My husband never had any ill-feeling to Mr. Brithwood." "I should not bear him an undying enmity if he had.

Brithwood was seized with some indefinite alarm, he himself best knew why, or whether John's manner irresistibly compelled him to civility, as the stronger always compels the weaker, I cannot tell but he signed to the clerk to leave the room. "And, Jones, send back all the others to the lock-up house till tomorrow. Bless my life! it's near three o'clock.

Some of them, too, were clever enough to discover, what a pleasant and altogether "visitable" lady was Mrs. Halifax, daughter of the late Mr. March, a governor in the West Indies, and cousin of Mr. Brithwood of the Mythe. But Mrs. Halifax, with quiet tenacity, altogether declined being visited as anything but Mrs. Halifax, wife of John Halifax, tanner, or mill-owner, or whatever he might be.

Brithwood would probably deny his right to be considered a friend of hers, and would not allow his claim to be thought a gentleman, though a poor one. "It is right," he pursued, on her expression of surprise, "that you should know who and what I am to whom you are giving the honour of your kindness. Perhaps you ought to have known before; but here at Enderley we seem to be equals friends."

They were a diverse pair. She, in her well-preserved beauty, and Gallic artificial grace he, in his coarse, bloated youth, coarser and worse than the sensualism of middle age. "Mr. Brithwood, let me introduce you to a new friend of mine." The 'squire bowed, rather awkwardly; proving the truth of what Norton Bury often whispered, that Richard Brithwood was more at home with grooms than gentlemen.