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He was also the author of a number of smaller volumes, a contributor to the Encyclopædia Britannica and the Dictionary of National Biography, and for ten years editor-in-chief of the English Historical Review. I know not which is the more remarkable, the learning, accuracy, and diligence of the man, or withal his modesty.

Politics in its historic aspect would seem to have had a great fascination for him, as indeed it must have for all ardent intellects, since it is the one thing in the world that is as intellectual as the Encyclopædia Britannica and as rapid as the Derby. As they are never agreed about what constitutes a success on the stage, it is difficult to adjudge their quarrels.

He had much earlier executed two extremely creditable books, one on English Prose, and one on part of the History of English verse, the only drawbacks to which were a rather pedagogic and stiff arrangement; he was a frequent contributor to the Encyclopædia Britannica, and after his death some of his professorial Lectures on the Georgian era were published, but without his final revision.

I read insatiably; the Iliad and Odyssey, Virgil, Horace, Caesar's Commentaries, Bacon de Augmentis, Dante, Petrarch, Ariosto, Tasso, Don Quixote, Gibbon's Rome, Mill's India, all the seventy volumes of Voltaire, Sismondi's History of France, and the seven thick folios of the Biographia Britannica. I found my Greek and Latin in good condition enough.

The "Pax Romana" was a great idea in its day, but it was imposed from without, and by military methods, upon a number of subject peoples, who did not realise and intelligently co-operate in it, but merely submitted to it. It has its modern analogue in the "Pax Britannica" of India.

It was this savage prince who invented much of the Alcazar in the soft Moorish taste; but in those hideous galleries he let his terrible nature loose, though as for that some say he was no crueler than certain other Spanish kings of that period. This is the notion of my unadvertised Encyclopaedia Britannica, and perhaps we ought to think of him leniently as Peter the Ferocious.

"Larousse" has a map which identifies it as the site now occupied by the Æmilian bridge, at the base of the Palatine, near the mouth of the Cloaca Maxima; but the "Encyclopædia Britannica," in a map of ancient Rome, places it farther down the Tiber near the center of the base of the Aventine. Murray's "Handbook of Rome" agrees with the "Britannica." Translated by D. Spillan and Cyrus Edmonds.

Still Thaine was silent. "Why don't you say something?" Jo demanded, looking coquettishly at him. "About what?" he asked gravely. "About Leigh. I don't want to do all the gossiping. Tell me what you think of her." "It would take a Cyclopedia Britannica set of volumes to do that," Thaine replied. "Oh, be serious and answer my questions," Jo demanded.

Rent is there defined as the sum paid for the original and indestructible powers of the soil. See Letters to M'Culloch, p. xxi. Letters to Malthus, p. 226. Ibid. p. 211 n. Bain's James Mill, p. 211. Editions in 1821, 1824, and 1826. Autobiography, p. 204. The first edition, an expanded version of an article in the Encyclopædia Britannica, appeared in 1825.

Henry smiled to himself, to hear his frail little flower of a volume spoken of as a "work," as though it had been the Encyclopaedia Britannica; and he rather wondered what that would-be purchaser would make of it, as he turned over pages of which so large a proportion was reserved for a spotless frame of margin.