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This was precisely to young Briskow's liking, and soon they were speeding out to that road house mentioned earlier in the evening. Buddy drove, with Miss Montague by his side, the while Gray sat alone in the back seat of the car quietly objurgating the follies of youth and mournfully estimating his chances of surviving the night.

"Don't make me lay hands on you choke you into it," he cried, hoarsely. "If you do, by God, I'll finish you!" Like a man fighting some hypnotic influence stronger than his will, Henry Nelson took up the pen and signed his name waveringly. The next moment Gray smote the door to Briskow's office a heavy blow and, as it flew open, he barked: "Come in here! All three of you!"

It would all take time, and meanwhile his business was bound to suffer. However, he was not one to turn back, and he remembered with a pang the last look he had seen in Ma Briskow's eyes. Gray was prepared to find his young friend's light o' love superficially attractive, and she was all of that. He was not prepared, however, to find her quite as good an actress as she appeared to be.

Again he laughed, boyishly; then, with a slap that knocked the breath from Briskow's lungs, he walked lightly into his own office and seized his hat. For a long time the father sat at his big, empty desk, staring, smiling into space. This would make Ma well. Money wasn't altogether a worry, after all; it bought things that nothing else could buy stars and and things.

Briskow's sun-parched face slowly lightened, his bright, inquisitive eyes grew bluer, brighter. "I'm mighty glad! I allus hoped " He tried to finish his sentence, then shook his head and murmured, huskily, "Mighty glad!" Here was a marvel, a miracle, for which he had never dared even hope. He thought of Allie and a lump came into his throat. She had reached the stars.

"Would ye?" The tone of this inquiry caused Gray to glance more keenly at the speaker, but Briskow's bright eyes told him nothing. "Why, naturally. Allie is becoming more attractive every day, and she is going to make something of herself. She is going to 'do us all proud." As soon as he was alone Gray eagerly reread his telegram from Wichita Falls.

For some time thereafter he remained red and silent, but he kept one big hand in the pocket where lay the gold cigarette case. There was a wordless song in Buddy Briskow's heart, for he had made a friend. And such a friend!

Noting the tragic concern that wrinkled Ma Briskow's face, he put an arm about her, saying more gently: "Now, now! I won't deny you the luxury of worrying, Ma dear. That is a mother's divine prerogative, but rest assured Buddy sha'n't do himself any great harm. Now then, let's get to a long-distance phone."

"With that woman, eh? Well, I refuse to interfere again. I haven't fully recovered from his first infatuation for her." "I can tell the boy's symptoms. I felt the same way when I was courtin' Ma. I acted just like him." "He has been trying to tell me something for a week, but I've been too busy and too worried to listen." Briskow's kindly face had settled into graver lines when next he spoke.

He was gently mopping young Briskow's face when the latter revived. Buddy's eyes were wild, he did not recognize this unpleasant stranger until a familiar voice issued from the shapeless lips. "You'll be all right in a few minutes, my lad." Briskow lifted his head; he tried to rise, but fell back limply, for as yet his body refused to obey his will. "You licked me," he declared, faintly.