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As one of the foremost of this group of patriots, Mr. Brimley had let his ink flow so freely in the Allies' cause that it was whispered amongst those "in the know" that he was certain for a knighthood, or at least an Empire Order, in the next list of honours. Mr. Brimley looked at the speaker haughtily, and made an inaudible reply.

Record of an Obscure Man. Boston. Ticknor & Fields. 16mo. pp. 216. 75 cts. Essays. By the late George Brimley, M.A., Librarian of Trinity College, Cambridge. With an Introduction by R.H. Stoddard. New York. Rudd & Carleton. 12mo. pp. 409. $1.25. The Cloister and the Hearth; or, Maid, Wife, and Widow. A Matter-of-Fact Romance. By Charles Reade. New York. Rudd & Carleton. 8vo. pp. 256. $1.00.

Two country gentlemen in the vicinity also listened in silence. They were amazed to hear such famous military names, whom they had been led by their favourite newspapers to regard as the hope of the country's salvation, criticised so unmercifully by youngsters. "And do you think the war will soon be over, Mr. Brimley?" said a feminine voice, rather loudly, during a lull in the conversation.

The aunt, who had been unobtrusively poor, became quite pleasantly rich, and the Brimley Bomefields grew suddenly concerned at the loneliness of her life and took her under their collective wings. She had as many wings around her at this time as one of those beast-things in Revelation." "So far I don't see any tragedy from the Brimley Bomefields' point of view," said the Baroness.

Her luck was variable; in fact, she had some fair streaks of good fortune, just enough to keep her thoroughly amused with her new distraction; but on the whole she was a loser. The Brimley Bomefields had a collective attack of nervous prostration on the day when she sold out a quantity of shares in Argentine rails.

The hostile manner in which ‘Maud’ was received vexed him, and would, before his marriage, have deeply disturbed him. A right view of this fine poem seems to have been taken by George Brimley, an admirable critic, who in the ‘Cambridge Essays,’ had already pointed out with great acumen many of the more subtle beauties of Tennyson.

The Brimley Bomefields kept a furtive watch on the doors as though they were expecting some one to turn up, and the aunt got more and more amused and interested watching the little horses whirl round and round the board. "'Do you know, poor little number eight hasn't won for the last thirty-two times, she said to Christine; 'I've been keeping count.

Here, however, their reckoning went far astray; the close of the Dieppe season merely turned their aunt's thoughts in search of some other convenient gambling resort. 'Show a cat the way to the dairy I forget how the proverb goes on, but it summed up the situation as far as the Brimley Bomefields' aunt was concerned.

The next day is Saturday, and then I am bound to be in Brimley to take in stock.

"From the very first set-off disaster hung over the expedition, as they afterwards remembered. To begin with, all the Brimley Bomefields were extremely unwell during the crossing, while the aunt enjoyed the sea air and made friends with all manner of strange travelling companions.