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On a stone to John Brimble, organist of S. John's College, Cambridge, 1670, we read that he was Musis et musicæ devotissimus, ad coelestem evectus Academiam. Among many inscriptions some interesting items will be found. John Benson, 1827, was the "oldest Committee Clerk at the House of Commons." Humfrey Orme, 1670, was A supremo Ang'iæ senatu ad superiorem sanctorum conventum evocatus.

With a first-rate managerial eye she perceived that people would flock into any room and all the more into one of hers to see Rose bring in her dreadful mother. She treated the cream of English society to this thrilling spectacle later in the autumn, when she once more "secured" both the performers for a week at Brimble.

Bless ye, I mind one up to Guy Hall, when I was a barn, that two Irish reapers coom down, and murthered her for the money and if you lost aught she'd vind it, so sure as the church and a mighty hand to cure burns; and they two villains coom back, after harvest, seventy mile to do it and when my vather's cows was shrew-struck, she made un be draed under a brimble as growed together at the both ends, she a praying like mad all the time; and they never got nothing but fourteen shilling and a crooked sixpence; for why, the devil carried off all the rest of her money; and I seen um both a-hanging in chains by Wisbeach river, with my own eyes.