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As to his wife, there was, as stated, no necessity for any "trying". He was immensely and justly proud of her as one of the prettiest, most accomplished, and most attractive women in the Bendras Presidency. Mrs. "Pat" Dearman, née Cleopatra Diamond Brighte, was, as has been said, consciously and most obviously a Good Woman.

Tho skynnes ben als rede as blode, and thei schynen so brighte azen the sonne, that unethes no man may beholden hem. And many folk worschipen tho bestes, whan thei meeten hem first at morwe, for here gret vertue and for the gode smelle that thei han: and tho skynnes thei preysen more than thoughe thei were plate of fyn gold.

Dearest I have loved you from the moment my eyes first fell on you.... Poor salt-encrusted, weary, bloodshot eyes they were too," he added, smiling, reminiscent. "What do you mean?" asked Mrs. Dearman, puzzled. "Ah I have a secret to tell you a confession that will open those beautiful eyes wide with surprise. I first saw you when you were Cleopatra Brighte." "Good gracious!" ejaculated Mrs.

When able to speak, he told the serang of the lascars that he was the sole survivor of a bunder-boat which had turned turtle and sunk. He understood nothing but Hindustani.... Miss Brighte pitied the poor wretch but thought he looked rather horrid.... Native boatswain.

It had better be one of those neat little tailor gowns which become you so well. 'I will wear whatever you tell me, answered Mary. 'I shall always dress to please you, and not the outside world. 'Will you, my Griselda. Some day you shall be dressed as Grisel was "In a cloth of gold that brighte shone, With a coroune of many a riche stone."

"Winter is ycomen in, With stormy sadde cheere; In the paddocke, Whistle ruddock, Brighte sparke in the dead yeare." "That's a good stanza to end with," said Ethel Blue, as she bade her aunt "Good-bye." "We've been talking about gardens and plants and flowers all the afternoon, and it would have seemed queer to put on a heavy coat to go home in if you hadn't said 'Winter is ycomen in."