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He was in this interesting state of mind, when Haven, being called away, committed him to the charge of Mr Drachart, who was then residing at the Brethren's settlement in Yorkshire, under whose tutilage he made rapid improvement in knowledge; and evidenced, by the change of his disposition, and his mildness of manner, and simplicity of conduct, that the gospel had taken powerful hold upon his heart; and this he evidenced still more clearly, when early called to grapple with the last enemy.

For the present King Ferdinand had triumphed; and word was sent to the Pope at Rome that the Church of the Brethren was no more. But the cause of the Brethren's Church was not yet lost.

Morning and evening prayer, ere the close of the year, had been set up in every family; and while the melody of praise ascended from every dwelling, tears of holy gratitude mingled with the brethren's prayers for the stability and increase of the Redeemer's kingdom among the Esquimaux.

"This," he said, "is the work of Presbyterian firebrands." If an Act like this could be passed in America, who knew what might not happen soon in England? "We ought," he continued, "to utilize this or some other favourable opportunity for bringing our cause publicly before Parliament." Now was the time, thought the fiery Hutton, to define the position of the Brethren's Church in England.

It consisted chiefly of Brethren's hymns, written mostly by Zinzendorf; and during the next fifteen years it was steadily enlarged by the addition of twelve appendices. But in two ways these appendices were faulty. They were far too bulky, and they contained some objectionable hymns. But even these editions were unsatisfactory.

In all the story of the Brethren's Church there has been no other day like that. It was the day when the furies seemed to ride triumphant in the air, when the God of their fathers seemed to mock at the trial of the innocent, and when the little Church that had battled so bravely and so long was at last stamped down by the heel of the conqueror, till the life-blood flowed no longer in her veins.

It was a token of the Brethren's mission of peace; and it reminded them that the future settlement was to be a "House of Bread" for their evangelists. The Count was now in his element. For two years he did his best to teach the quarrelling sects in Pennsylvania to help and esteem each other; and the bond of union he set before them was a common experience of the redeeming grace of Christ.

No longer could the Brethren's loyalty be doubted; and Spangenberg acted, on behalf of the British, with the skill of a military expert. As he went about in his regimentals his critics remarked that he looked far more like an army officer than an apostle of the Lord.

They were drafted in from the Brethren's Houses; they taught only the elementary subjects; they had narrow ideas of life; and, instead of teaching the boys to be manly and fight their own battles, they endeavoured rather to shield them from the world. But as time went on this coddling system was modified.

And what man is there that hath betrothed a wife, and hath not taken her? let him go and return unto his house, lest he die in the battle, and another man take her. And the officers shall speak further unto the people, and they shall say, What man is there that is fearful and fainthearted? let him go and return unto his house, lest his brethren's heart faint as well as his heart.