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If the convict is in good health, the machinery working smoothly but still by the defect in its construction always in the wrong direction there are the regulation appliances, not for remedying the original defect in the machinery, it must be remembered, and if possible getting it to work in the right direction, but appliances to check, thwart, and by force drive it backward, which in most cases it cannot and will not do, and breakages, ruin of machinery and other appliances also are the only result.

May all the victims of moving-day find their new home attractive! If they have gone into a smaller house, let them congratulate themselves at the thought that it takes less time to keep a small house clean than a big one. May they have plenty of Spaulding's glue with which to repair breakages!

Peter flung out the words like another oath. "Go away to your poverty which you like, and leave us to ours which we hate. There's no more left for you to take away from us; it's all gone. Unless you'd like me to throw Thomas out of the window, since you think breakages are so good." Rodney merely said, "I'm not going away just yet. Could you let me stay here for the night and sleep on the sofa?

'Do you think a man might have made his way through that hole before you broke the edges down? he asked Harry. 'Well, yes, with some crowding I think he might've. 'Yet the boy said he had to squeeze his way through. Did you notice if the opening had been enlarged recently? Were there indications of recent breakages? 'Yes, the stone had been broken in places. I s'posed the boys did that.

"Hold your tongue, Robin, and listen," said Sam. "Mind your foot, sir," remonstrated one of the steward's assistants, who had a lugubrious countenance. Robin took his foot out of a soup tureen, and applied himself to listen. The merchant sat down amid thunders of applause, during which the reckoning of breakages was lost, and finally abandoned by the lugubrious waiter.

Except that of General Beck on Battalion Duringshofen, if that was meant as retaliatory, and was not rather an originality of Beck's, who is expert at such strokes, Daun, in return for all these injurious Assaults and Breakages, tried little or no retaliation; and got absolutely none. Deville attempted once, as we saw; Loudon once, as perhaps we shall see: but both proved futile.

He had been brought up in a world where breakages were regarded as crimes and expiated as such; it was something new and altogether exhilarating to find that you were considered rather amusing if you smashed things in the right manner and at the recognized hours.

When breakages of different degrees have to be treated at other parts of the back, small studs may be used, particularly when the fractures are fresh, free from dirt and fit well. In these instances, after the glueing together has been effected, studs of not more than a full eighth of an inch will be found sufficient. It is scarcely necessary to add that they may be thinner in substance also.

With experience Pilcher was able to lengthen his glide and improve his balance, but the dropped wing tips made landing difficult, and there were many breakages. In consequence of this Pilcher built a second glider which he named the 'Beetle, because, as he said, it looked like one.

The reed, notwithstanding some breakages, traced distinctly in the wicker-work these twelve letters Hardquanonne. Then the sheriff, resuming that monotonous tone of voice which resembles nothing else, and which may be termed a judicial accent, turned towards the sufferer.