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'You admit they are that? 'I feel very sure that Mr Fadge is. 'Then you are not on his side against me? 'How could you suppose such a thing? 'Well, well; we won't talk of that. Perhaps it isn't a great matter. No from a philosophical point of view, such things are unspeakably petty. But I am not much of a philosopher. He laughed, with a break in his voice.

"Here are three of us to give him of our life! He'll soon be himself again, now that we have him!" But my heart was like to break at the sad sight. I cannot put in words what I felt. "He would get well much quicker," said John, "if only we could tell him we were married!" "It will do just as well to invite him to the wedding," I answered. "I do hope he will give you away," said Martha.

'But that night when I rose, said the wind, 'the noble lady laid herself down to rise no more; that came to her which comes to every one there was nothing new about it. Waldemar Daa stood grave and silent for a time; "The proudest tree may bend, but it does not break," said something within him.

When we were left alone, Madame de T and I, we looked at each other so curiously that, in order to break through the awkwardness, she proposed that we should take a turn on the terrace while we waited, as she said, until the servants had supped. It was a superb night.

And yet the events of the day had started the growth of a dozen tendrils, which were destined to grow, and reach out, and seize and hold him with ties that do not break. Seven

The older girls, who helped to break up the wild sod, learned so much from life, from poverty, from their mothers and grandmothers; they had all, like Ántonia, been early awakened and made observant by coming at a tender age from an old country to a new.

Aye, read slowly, to the end that every word may imbue your soul with its indelible hatred for the Romans a hatred that I feel certain must some day, the day of vengeance, break out with terrific force.

One night a hundred robbers came to break into the house, to take all his goods, and kill him, but he said to the stick, "Boombye, boomba!" and with the swiftness of lightning the stick flew around, and all those struck fell dead till there was not one left. Juan was never troubled again by robbers, and in the end married a princess and lived happily ever after. The Aderna Bird.

It is the wise man's study, and the good man's joy: who love it are gracious, who make it are blessed, who keep it are happy, and who break it are miserable. It hath no dwelling with idolatry, nor friendship with falsehood; for her life is in truth, and in her all is Amen.

"Before dawn on the following day we were up, and the first break of light found us once more on the spoor. About half-past five o'clock we reached the place where the elephants had fed and slept. The two unwounded bulls had taken their fill, as the condition of the neighbouring bushes showed, but the wounded one had eaten nothing.