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Why, mum, look at the printed cottons now, an' what they was when you wore 'em, why, you wouldn't put such a thing on now, I can see. It must be first-rate quality, the manifactur as you'd buy, summat as 'ud wear as well as your own faitures." "Yes, better quality nor any you're like to carry; you've got nothing first-rate but brazenness, I'll be bound," said Mrs.

I had trailed her here, she assumed, to thrust my company on her; and, upon the surface, I had to own that my behavior really had that air. If I had followed her with equal brazenness along Fifth Avenue, I should have had a chance to explain my conduct to the first police officer who noticed it, later to an indignant magistrate. But, heavens and earth! She knew why I had come.

It is barely possible that she has gone to another hotel. The very brazenness of that would be its safeguard, she might think." "Then I can leave that part of it to you, McBride?" asked Kennedy thoughtfully as if laying out a programme of action in his mind.

I do not know a single thoughtful and well-informed person who does not feel that the tragedy of illness at present is that it delivers you helplessly into the hands of a profession which you deeply mistrust, because it not only advocates and practises the most revolting cruelties in the pursuit of knowledge, and justifies them on grounds which would equally justify practising the same cruelties on yourself or your children, or burning down London to test a patent fire extinguisher, but, when it has shocked the public, tries to reassure it with lies of breath-bereaving brazenness.

No loudness, brazenness, impertinence; no oaths, no swaggering, no leering at women, no irreverence, no flippancy, no bullying, no insolence of porters or clerks or conductors, no importunity of bootblacks or newsboys, no omnivorousness, of hackmen, at least, comparatively none, all of which an American is apt to notice, and, I hope, appreciate.

She will not take anyone in this place," the nice turned-up nose slightly suggesting a derisive sniff. "Who is there who is suitable?" Mount Dunstan laughed shortly again. "How do you know I am not an aspirant myself?" he said. He had a mirthless sense of enjoyment in his own brazenness. Only he himself knew how brazen the speech was. Lady Mary looked at him with entire composure.

One day as we left the luncheon table, he approached Miss Torsen and said: "I know another path; would you like to see it tonight?" The lady was confused and a little embarrassed, and said at length: "A path? No, thank you." She turned to the lawyer, and as they walked away together, she said: "I never heard of such brazenness!" "What got into him?" said the lawyer.

If it had not been nature that taught her the practice of them in extremity, the sagacious dowagers would have seen brazenness rather than innocence or an excuseable indiscretion in the part she was performing. They are not lightly duped by one of their sex. Few tasks are more difficult than for a young woman under a cloud to hoodwink old women of the world.

Traitors showed themselves unbuttoned; men who had gone over to the enemy on the eve of battle made no secret of their recompense, and strutted immodestly in the light of day, in the cynicism of riches and dignities; deserters from Ligny and Quatre-Bras, in the brazenness of their well-paid turpitude, exhibited their devotion to the monarchy in the most barefaced manner.

The only false note, to Starr's way of thinking, was the brazenness of it. They must, he told himself, be so sure of themselves that they could snap their fingers at risk, or else they were so desperately in need of conferring together that they overlooked the risk.