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"This is not taty-and-point," said her husband, with a twinkle in his eyes and a sensation of liquidity about the lips as he came up to survey the outspread tables. Mattha Branthwaite was once more resplendent in those Chapel-Sunday garments with which, in the perversity of the old weaver's unorthodox heart, that auspicious day was not often honored. Mrs.

The great man took up his hat and his fee together. His silence at least had been golden. "Didsta iver see sic a dumb daft boggle?" said Mattha as the doctor disappeared. "It cannot even speak when it's spoken to." The medical ghost never again haunted that particular ghost-walk. Robbie lay four days insensible, and Mrs. Branthwaite was thenceforward his sole physician and nurse.

There were sobs in Robbie's voice, but no tears in his bloodshot eyes. "There, there, Robbie," whispered Mrs. Branthwaite soothingly in his ear; "rest thee still, Robbie, rest thee still." It was a pitiful scene. The remorse of the poor, worn, wayward, tender-hearted lad seemed to rend the soul in his unconscious body. "If he could but sleep!" said Mrs. Branthwaite; "but he cannot."

"I suppose so," rejoined the other; "and I hear that Ralph is to let a bit of land to Robbie; he has given him a horse, I'm told." Matthew Branthwaite had returned to his station by Mrs. Ray's chair. "Whear's Rotha?" says the old weaver. "She said she would come and bring her father," said Willy from the grass, where he still lay at his mother's feet.

Guy Darrell, in this young lady you will welcome the grandchild of Sidney Branthwaite, our old Eton school friend, a gentleman of as good blood as any in the land!" "None better," cried Fairthorn, who had sidled himself into the group; "there's a note on the Branthwaite genealogy, sir, in your father's great work upon 'Monumental Brasses." "Permit me to conclude, Mr.

I'm glad Lionel has won a friend in such a man. Sidney Branthwaite's son married Vance's sister after Vance had won reputation?" "No; while Vance was still a boy. Young Arthur Branthwaite was an orphan. If he had any living relations, they were too poor to assist him. Those villanous critics will have a dark account to render in the next world! Poor Arthur Branthwaite!

Arthur, I suspect, must have been publishing another volume on his own account. I saw a Monody on something or other, by Arthur Branthwaite, advertised, and no doubt Frank's fans and hand-screens must have melted into the printer's bill. But the Monody never appeared: the poet died, his young wife too.

"What a whang over the lug she brong him!" said Reuben, turning to the schoolmaster. "I reckon it's mair wind ner wool, like clippin' a swine," said Matthew Branthwaite, who entered the inn at this juncture. Robbie's good humor was as radiant as ever. "A kiss for a blow," he said, laughing and struggling with the little woman. "It's a Christian virtue, eh, father?"

It was the day of the Wythburn sports, and this year it was being celebrated at Shoulthwaite. Tents had been pitched here and there in out-of-the-way corners of the field, and Mrs. Branthwaite, with her meek face, was appointed chief mistress and dispenser of the hospitality of the Shoulthwaite household.

The poet was his brother-in-law; and though, for that reason, poets and poetry are a sore subject with Frank, yet the last time he breakfasted here, I felt, by the shake of his hand in parting, that he felt pleased by a mark of respect to all that is left of poor Arthur Branthwaite. So you are going to Lady Montfort? Ask her why she chits me!" "My dear uncle!