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Add to these a rollicking saddler from Heldesheim, who figures in a full beard, a rich cluster of crisp, brown curls, his own especial pride, and the object of deep envy to his less hirsute companions; and who, far too fond of corn brandy-wine, goes about singing continually the song of the German tramp, “Ich Liebe das liederliche Leben!”—This vagabond life I delight in!—an earnest, quiet student, who, for reasons of economy, has made the Schuster-gasse his place of refuge; and a dishevelled button-maker, last from Hamburg, who has just received his geschenck, or trade-gift, amounting to fifteen silver groschens, about eighteenpence in English money; and who ponders drearily over it as it lies in the palm of his hand, wondering how far this slender sum will carry him on the road to Breslau, his native place, still some two hundred miles away.

It was like a great wild dog, fierce, yet kind, and I fed it with the fish which had been for Brandy-wine and the rest but not to kill it! and it did not die. That night I lie down in my bag no, I was not afraid! The bear lie beside me, between me and the sled. Ah, it was warm!

Nothing to speak to no one, no thing, day after day. At last I go to cry to the dogs, "Come-along! 'Poleon! Brandy-wine!" like that! I think I see them there, but they never bark and they never snarl, and they never spring to the snap of the whip.... I was alone. Oh, my head! my head!

'Gone to look for another man, I said, with a gay look, for I saw that he was troubled. 'Come, said he at once. As we went, he saw my dogs. He stopped short and shook a little, and tears came into his eyes. 'What is it, Babiche? said I. He looked back towards the south. 'My dogs Brandy-wine, Come-along, 'Poleon, and the rest died one night all of an hour.

Finally, I was forced to ask the landlady if she would be so kind as to bring me a glass of brandy-wine, for I was afraid she would discover the internal convulsions which threatened every moment to rend my ribs asunder. While she was looking after the brandy-wine I made a hasty copy of the portrait, and I now leave it to the impartial reader to decide upon the supposed resemblance.

Here, Caleb, fish out the brandy-wine," he added to his younger brother, who went to a cupboard and brought the bottle. Pierre, waving the liquor away, said quietly to the girl: "You wish to go back to your father, to Jimmy Throng?" He then gave her Throng's message, and added: "He sits there rocking in the big chair and coughing coughing!

It was like a great wild dog, fierce, yet kind, and I fed it with the fish which had been for Brandy-wine and the rest but not to kill it! and it did not die. That night I lie down in my bag no, I was not afraid! The bear lie beside me, between me and the sled. Ah, it was warm!

Nothing to speak to no one, no thing, day after day. At last I go to cry to the dogs, "Come-along! 'Poleon! Brandy-wine!" like that! I think I see them there, but they never bark and they never snarl, and they never spring to the snap of the whip.... I was alone. Oh, my head! my head!

Here, Caleb, fish out the brandy-wine," he added to his younger brother, who went to a cupboard and brought the bottle. Pierre, waving the liquor away, said quietly to the girl: "You wish to go back to your father, to Jimmy Throng?" He then gave her Throng's message, and added: "He sits there rocking in the big chair and coughing coughing!

She took occasion to inform me, during the progress of her culinary labors, that he was a very good sort of man, but was somewhat addicted to brandy-wine, of which he had partaken a little too freely on the present occasion. I must excuse him. She would send him to bed presently. And now, if I pleased, supper was ready.