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Her son was there, brandishing his BB gun in late morning. "Morning soldier! Aren't you a little old for this thing?" she asked as she got off her bicycle. "Yes. Give me the real thing and this kid's gun can go into the trash," he said. "No can do," she said, "or matches to an arsonist." "I'm not an arsonist. It was an accident." "I wouldn't know. I wasn't at your Aunt Peggy's."

So, while the Indians danced and leaped about us, brandishing their weapons and chanting the captives' death song, and while the blue and yellow tongues of flame mounted from twig to twig, climbing stealthily to flick at us like little vanishing demon whips, I saw and heard and felt as one remote from all the torture turmoil of the moment.

He leaped down, seized a halter, and advanced with the apparent intention of seizing and binding the colonel. "Are ye goin' to stand here, ye hunderd cowards, an' see the man that gives ye your livin' lugged away to jail?" Gideon shouted, retreating. He glared on their faces. The men turned their backs and moved away. He crouched almost to the floor, brandishing his fists above his head.

The narrow streets near the wall vomited groups and more groups who came shouting and brandishing swords and axes, with the determined mien of those who had decided to die.

"You can't do it and you never saw the day you could," bristled Washer, brandishing a bony little fist before the colonel's big face. "There's one more question I'd like to ask," Johnny interposed on this violent quarrel. "Will it be necessary for me to offer any stock outside this group?"

"Was it all a dream!" he thought no doubt. If he thought it was, he received in a few minutes a rude awakening, for the redskins came sweeping round the other end of the clump of trees, yelling like fiends, brandishing their weapons and urging their steeds to the uttermost. To snort, bellow, turn off at a tangent, and scurry along faster than ever, was the work of a moment, but it was too late!

'What's the good of that? asked Curlydown, as he passed rapidly under his own glass the stamps which it was his duty to inspect from day to day. 'All the good in the world, said Bagwax, brandishing his own magnifier with energy.

They advanced rapidly upon him, brandishing their arms, and uttering horrid yells, and would have dispatched him on the spot but for the interference of one of themselves, who nobly threw himself between the Canadian and the muzzles of the guns that were levelled at him, and beckoned him to flee. He took to his heels accordingly, and never looked behind him till he reached the fort.

His own entire knowledge of this tongue was confined to two words knife and fork, which words I rendered into Spanish by their equivalents, and was forthwith pronounced an Englishman by the old fellow, who, brandishing his musket, exclaimed:

In a few moments I was in their midst, brandishing my spear; but to my surprise, as well as terror, I saw that, instead of relinquishing the deer, several of them still held on it, while the rest surrounded me with open jaws, and eyes glancing like coals of fire.