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He cooked up a plan that was even braver and more desperate. He decided to sign on a Lhari ship as a member of the crew." "As a Mentorian?" Bart asked, but something cold, like ice water trickling down his back, told him this was not what Raynor meant. "The brainwashing " "No," said Raynor, "not as a Mentorian; he couldn't have escaped the psych-checking. As a Lhari." Bart gasped. "How "

Two of the adults who were moving the pieces cajoled a small boy into believing that he was instrumental in removing the branches for as each was being lifted he would hold onto a bit of the center and they would praise his efforts. They were determining his fate by brainwashing him with positive reinforcement but at least, Nawin thought then, he would be content with his station in life.

The Lhari don't watch me too closely they figure that anything I do they'll catch in the brainwashing. But I'm still one step ahead of them, as long as I can erase my own memories." Bart was sifting it all, slowly, in his mind. "Why was Dad doing this? What could he gain?"

"Sorry, Mike. Techniques of brainwashing are a bit out of my line. Beside, Confusion say those who run from wolf pack have better chance if they leave some meat behind for the wolves to fight over. I've already spoken to Captain Nails about it. We intend to dump them overboard just twenty minutes before the scuttlebug arrives. In suits, of course," he added.

Some of them yelping for help and some of them bitterly objecting to tampering with the immature brain? You'd be accused of brainwashing, of making monsters, of depriving children of their heritage of happiness and in the same ungodly howl there would be voices as loudly damning you for not tossing your process into their laps.

They should have done a better job of brainwashing, if they expected him to skulk in like a scared rabbit! He held his head high and moved across the floor step by steady step, trying not to limp or display that he felt tired or sore. You're human! Act proud of it! No one moved until he stood before the semicircle of ancients.

There were voices in the blackness, and a softness under him, but under his back, when he had been lying on his stomach, as though he were now on a comfortable bed. They got me alive, he thought; now comes the brainwashing! He cracked one eye open imperceptibly. Lights, white and glaring, from a ceiling far above; walls as white as the lights.

I know this is true because I remember my own youth and besides, why else would young people so glibly ride motorcycles or, after only a few months of brainwashing, charge up a hill into the barrel of a machine gun. Or have unsafe sex in this age of multiple venereal diseases.

This highly unfortunate kind of sufferer not only has a degenerative condition to rectify, they may have been further damaged by harsh medical treatments and additionally, they have a considerable amount of brainwashing to overcome.

They never managed it, but nowadays the Lhari give all the Mentorians what amounts to a brainwashing deep hypnosis, before and after every voyage, so that they can neither look for anything that might threaten the Lhari monopoly of space, nor reveal it even under a truth drug if they find it out. "You have to be pretty fanatical about space travel to go through that.