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On the same page which contains these particulars, it is observed, under the head of remarks "Ship under starboard steering-sails, forward and aft, making six knots. A suspicious half-rigged brigantine lying-to on the eastern board, under her mainsail, with fore-top-sail to the mast; light and lofty sails and jib loose; foresail in the brails.

The sea was as smooth as glass, and the sky was bright and clear enough in the south-east, whence a small dark cloud came sweeping up at a rapid rate towards us. I perceived that there was not a moment to lose. The people sprang to the halyards and brails; but before all the sail could be taken off the vessel, the squall had struck her. Over she went on her beam-ends.

The anchor of the brig was run up to the bows and catted; sail after sail was dropped from its brails and quickly sheeted home; and under a wide spread of canvas the gallant craft came standing out of the harbour. "A prosperous voyage to you," shouted Mr Du Pre through his speaking-trumpet, as she passed us. He and all the officers took off their caps.

All hands obeyed, and at once the eight or ten seamen who composed the crew, sprang to their respective stations at the spanker brails and outhaul, topsail sheets and halyards, the jib downhaul, and the topsail clewlines and buntlines. The young sailor gave a look to see that his orders were promptly and accurately obeyed, and then turned again to the owner.

This was the order the men were expecting to receive, but they were surprised when, just as the last light was abreast of them, Francis gave the order for the brails to be loosed again. "Signor Parucchi, do you tell off fifty men. I am going to lay the ship alongside that vessel, and recapture her.

"De wind's clean gone," said Cyd, as the heavy sails of the Isabel began to flap idly in the brails. "Cyd, you must fight!" added Dan, earnestly. "Possifus!" exclaimed Cyd, rising and seizing a boat-hook that lay on the quarter. "Dis chile will fight, for sartin." "Good, Cyd! You are a brave fellow! You deserve to be free, and you shall be." "Hossifus!

In a word, that which both Raoul and Ithuel had fancied an islet was neither more nor less than a ship. The stranger's head was to the northward, and his motion, before a light southerly air, could not have exceeded a knot an hour. He had no other canvas spread than his three topsails and jib; though his courses were hanging in the brails.

The doors were opened, and the head steward helped them down the ladder. "All ready!" shouted Captain Kendall, when the favorable moment came for setting the foresail. "Let go the brails!" bellowed the executive officer. "Haul out!"

We stood thus all through the night; and at daybreak the next morning a large ship was discovered about ten miles to windward, close-hauled on the starboard tack, dodging along under topsails, jib, and spanker, with her courses in the brails.

There was no sail now on the ship, but the spanker and the close-reefed main topsail, which still held good. But this was too much after sail, and order was given to furl the spanker. The brails were hauled up, and all the light hands in the starboard watch sent out on the gaff to pass the gaskets; but they could do nothing with it.