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As women are not valued highly by the poorer Hindus this did not make the mugger very unpopular. But early in that very year it had committed the awful crime of dragging under water and devouring a Brahmini bull, an animal devoted to the Gods and held sacrosanct. By this time the crocodile had breathed its last. Raymond measured it roughly and found it to be over twelve feet in length.

Also when writing to an intimate friend of his living at a distance, named Hara Deb Ghosal, he spoke of Kunda in the following terms: "Tell me what you consider to be the age of beauty in woman. You will say after forty, because your Brahmini is a year or two more than that. The girl Kunda, whose history I have given you, is thirteen. On looking at her, it seems as if that were the age of beauty.

The essayist says: "An attempt to enumerate these superstitious beliefs would be useless, but the following would illustrate the villagers' deep regard for them, It is a good omen to hear a bell ring, an ass bray, or a Brahmini kite cry, when starting out to see a married woman whose husband is alive.

A swaggering tall black-whiskered Rajput, no doubt, with a purple vest embroidered in gold, clanking with tulwar, and a voice like a Brahmini bull full of demand." The slim arms about his waist tightened a little that was all.

He has taken the best of a basket of onions already, this morn; and forsooth, I must fill thy bowl. He comes here again. The huge, mouse-coloured Brahmini bull of the ward was shouldering his way through the many-coloured crowd, a stolen plantain hanging out of his mouth.

Catapatra is the wood-pecker. Koyashtika is the Lapwing. Datyuhas are a variety of Chatakas or Gallinules. Jivajivaka is a species of partridges. Chakora is the Greek partridge. Sarasa is the Indian crane. Chakravaka is the Brahmini duck or goose. In verse 39 and 40 for asmi and tapacchaitat read asi and tapasaccha.

The girl's eyes dropped to the ruby bracelet again; "To acquire merit in the eyes of Mahadeo, Sahib." "To do good acts so that you may be reincarnated as a heaven-born, a Brahmini, perhaps even come back as a memsahib."

The only thing that soothed you was putting you under arrest every half hour. You were off your head for three days." "Don't remember a word of it," said Tertius, placidly. "I remember my orderly giving me milk, though." "How did Stalky come out?" McTurk demanded, purling hard over his pipe. "Stalky? Like a serene Brahmini bull.