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For a harpsichord, the following occurs to me: In the wall of your chamber, over the instrument, drive five little brads, as, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, in the following manner. Take a string with a bob to it, of such length, as, that hung on No. 1, it shall vibrate fifty-two times in a minute.

Each one of the uprights may then be secured in place by two long brads, one being hammered each way into each side of the notch. Next proceed to cut four more of the square sticks. Two of these should be one foot in length, and the remaining two eight inches. The corners of these should now be neatly bevelled off, so as to fit after the manner of a picture-frame.

This also shows the form and manner of connecting the shaft. The latter A has a hook B on one end to which the rubber may be attached, and its other end is flattened, as at C, and secured to the blade by two-pointed brads D, clinched on the other side. Shape and Size.

This is not an easy fence for very little children to make. To make board fence. Cut posts required length, and decide upon distance between posts. Make boards of thin strips of wood or of pasteboard. Nail boards to posts with tacks or small brads. This is a very easy fence to make and gives some good exercise in measuring. Rail fences may be made from toothpicks or burnt matches.

Then, in the third place, came some tools an auger, a gimlet, a handsaw, an assortment of nails and brads, a spade, a shovel, a pickaxe, a hatchet, an adze, &c., &c.

The base is a 1-inch board, 18 inches long and 7 inches wide. The target-holder is a piece of wood 1-1/2 inches square, and a couple of inches longer than the side of the largest target to be used. To one face nail a piece of strip lead as weight; and to the parallel face attach, by means of brads driven in near one edge, a piece of thin wood of the same size as the face.

"Have you any brads?" was the reply. "What are those?" said Joey. "Any money, to be sure; why, you're green quite." "Yes, I have a shilling." "That will do come along, and you shall sleep with me." Joey followed her very innocently, and very glad that he had been so fortunate.

"It was you who got me sick smoking cigarettes and thought it was funny. Yes, and it was you, too," blabbed the mean-spirited traitor, "who put those brads in Bob Upton's shoes, so he would lose the race." "What?" shouted Dean Ritchie. He made a vigorous break through the ranks of the crowd with the word. "The cat was out of the bag" at last, the secret told.

Just feel, Jordan some one got into the gym last night and doctored these shoes." "Doctored the shoes?" repeated Frank vaguely. "Yes, they set in a light cushion sole, with a half dozen blade-pointed brads under it that would break through after a little use. It's a wonder that Upton's foot isn't ripped to pieces." "It feels pretty near as if it was," said Bob, wincing.

Two or three brads driven into the lower rod caught into holes in the strap and prevented slipping. The machine successfully hoisted grain from the lower box to one fastened higher up, but not shown in the picture.